Parishioners and guests gathered for the vigil Mass at St. John Bosco Church in Hatboro on Saturday, May 9. The parish pastor, Father Gary J. Kramer, was the celebrant and homilist. The Church is located at 235 East County Line Road, Hatboro, Bucks County. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Organist Irina Lurye

Organist Irina Lurye.


pastor Fr Kramer and Fr Ronan give communion

Father Gary Kramer, pastor, and Father Gerald Ronan, parochial vicar, distribute holy Communion.

Extraordinary minister Maryanne Henry

Extraordinary minister of holy communion Maryanne Henry, left, offers the body of Christ during Mass.

Extraordinary minister Paul McGee

Extraordinary minister of holy Communion Paul McGee.

Fr Kramer final blessing

Father Kramer gives the final blessing at Mass.

Sarah Schmon

Sarah Schmon carries the cross in procession.


A parishioner lights a candle and says a prayer after Mass.

Lisa Quaranto lead the choir as Irina Lurye plays the organ

Lisa Quaranto, center, leads the parish choir as Irina Lurye adds accompaniment on the electric piano.


A statue depicts the 19th century priest St. John Bosco with underprivileged children to whom he dedicated much of his priestly ministry. He was canonized in 1934.


lector Jim Heilman

Lector Jim Heilman proclaims a reading from Scripture.



Dot Jucewicz

Dot Jucewicz follows the Liturgy of the Word with her missalette.


Isabell Johnston attends mass with her mom Anne and sisters Maren, Brigid and Teresa

Isabell Johnston is held by her mom, Anne, during Mass with sisters Maren, Brigid and Teresa.


Brett Lawhead and his father Bernie serve as ushers

Brett Lawhead, left, and his father Bernie serve as ushers.

The gifts are brought up to fr Kramer for consecration

The offertory gifts, including the bread and wine that will be consecrated into the body and blood of Christ, are brought up to Father Kramer at the start of the Liturgy of the Eucharist..


Cate and Linda Knowlton (daughter and mother)

Cate (left) and Linda Knowlton (daughter and mother) pray during Mass.