The faithful came to St. Raymond of Penafort Church in Philadelphia’s Mount Airy section June 21 to pray for the nine victims of the shooting an a Chalreston, S.C., church last week and for an end to violence. Father Christopher Walsh, pastor of St. Raymond’s, led the prayer vigil that was followed by Bible study sessions June 24 at four Catholic parishes on the one-week anniversary of the shootings. Read full our coverage of the prayerful gatherings in Philadelphia. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Father Christopher Walsh, pastor of St. Raymond, leads the prayer service in front of the church at dusk.

Young and old, different races (primarily African-American) come together in prayerful solidarity with the AME Emanuel Church in Charleston, S.C., site of the June 17 murder of nine church members during their Bible study.

Stephen Mathis removes his hat and prays for each of the nine people who lost their lives as Father Chris Walsh reads the name and biography of each person.
Well done Father Chris. This sort of witness is badly needed today.
NB: Father Chris and myself are not related.