The Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia held its 33rd annual Stand Up for Life banquet Nov. 22, which honored local individuals who witness to the sanctity of life in their work. Damon Owens of the Theology of the Body Institute was the keynote speaker. See full coverage of the event here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Damon Owens, executive director of the Theology of the Body Institute, was the guest speaker for the banquet.

Edel Finnegan (left), executive director of the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia and Bill Wohlgemuth, president, cheer Father Chris Walsh, who was emcee for the Nov. 22 banquet.

Dr. Doris Fernandes (left) receives the Be Not Afraid award from the Pro-Life Union’s Edel Finnegan and Bill Wohlgemuth.

The baby bottles with donations are collected at the dinner in support of the Pro-Life Union’s work for pregnant women.

Robert O’Hara (center), executive director of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, receives the Defender of Life award from the Pro-Life Union’s Edel Finnegan and Bill Wohlgemuth.
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