Lent 2016

Like a parent, God is ready for our middle-of-the-night call

Michelle Francl-Donnay finds solace in Psalm 130, with its cry from the heart, and in the inexhaustible mercy of God -- tender, compassionate and indulgent -- that is ready every time we ask for it.

Catholic archbishop, Orthodox leader see significance in Havana meeting

"The new and critical factor at this point in history is the emergence of the Russian Orthodox Church in its willingness to join the world community at the ecumenical table."

Scouting for talent is a skill that goes beyond football

The process of finding the next star player in the endless pro football season has a lot in common with how to find good people, in any season, with which to surround yourself, writes Erick Rommel.

Bishops want Nigeria to invest in small businesses to boost economy

Such investments would end up strengthening local enterprises, allowing more people to access the basic necessities of life, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria said Feb. 19 at the end of its weeklong meeting in Abuja.

Getting older means getting better

Teens shouldn't be afraid of the future because the life changes that will surely come can be positive and lead to exciting new possibilities, writes Karen Osborne.

Head of Ukrainian Catholic Church consoled by pope’s words

The pope's remarks were "truly the opening of the doors of mercy," said Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Kiev-Halych, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

How grace changed my life

Years ago Father John Catoir wanted a job in Catholic media but doubts stopped him. Then a "Why not?" thought popped up and he applied before he had time to rethink. He believes that was God's hidden hand.

Full day of confessions is opportunity for mercy, Minnesota priests say

An extended opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation will begin at the St. Paul and Minneapolis co-cathedrals at noon March 4 and last until noon March 5 as part of 24 Hours for the Lord, a worldwide Year of Mercy event backed by Pope Francis.

Every Saturday, the Mercy Bus brings lapsed Catholics to confession

A diocese in England is using a double-decker bus as a venue for priests to hear the confessions of people who have stopped going to church.

Across the Aisles: Revival at Our Lady of Hope Church

See our photo gallery of the Catholic revival celebrated last weekend at Our Lady of Hope Church in Philadelphia, featuring a choir, dancers, powerful preaching and rich sharing of faith among participants.