Posted September 29, 2016
Witnessing to the value of all human life, Catholics and others of good will gathered for a respect life rally and march Sunday, Sept. 25 from Thomas Paine Park in center city to the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. At his evening Mass in the cathedral Archbishop Charles Chaput announced the Sisters of Life, a growing congregation founded in New York in 1991, will establish a convent in Philadelphia next year. Read complete coverage of the day’s events here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Duncan McLuckie, who was part of the crowd, held his little daughter, Lily, who is turning 1. Duncan along with other participants offer their public witness of respect for life at the “Philadelphia Walk for Life — Because Every Life Matters” held Sunday, Sept. 25 in a center city Philadelphia plaza. (Sarah Webb)
Gabriel, Burma and Isabel Castro attend the rally. The Castros are from Brazil but living in Philadelphia while Gabriel studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr Monique Ruberu chats with a passerby about the 40 Days for Life awareness and prayer campaign.
Bishop Janice Hollis, the presiding prelate for Covenant International Fellowship, spoke of the assault by the abortion industry on African American women. “We have a mandate as Black leaders to speak out on the issue of life,” she said.
Sean Harney from Archbishop Wood High School.
Steven Bozza, director of the archdiocesan Office for Life and Family, awards a group of Archbishop Wood High School students that they won the office’s contest for best pro-life video.
The entrance procession begins the Respect Life Sunday Mass Sept. 25 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrates Mass at the cathedral for Respect Life Sunday Sept. 25.
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