Posted April 18, 2017
The faithful of St. David Parish came to the 9 a.m. Mass on Easter Sunday morning, celebrated by Msgr. Michael Flood. The Montgomery County parish’s pastor, Father Richard Connors, greeted his parishioners and wished them all a happy Easter. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Colin Donnelly wears his suspenders and bow tie for Easter Mass.

Iris Potestio cuddles up to her mom Katie during Easter Mass at St. David Church in Willow Grove.

Joseph Violi holds his daughter Alyssa, dressed in her Easter best, at St. David Church in Willow Grove.

Maggie and Suzanne Waltrich

(From left) Bodie, Monica and Geoff Butler

Megan Center renews her baptismal vows with fellow parishioners at St. David Church in Willow Grove.

Msgr. Michael Flood, celebrant for the Easter Sunday Mass at St. David’s, sprinkles the congregation with holy water after they renew their baptismal promises.

Dan Fannon

Carolyn Cox and Frank Colbridge make friends during Easter Sunday Mass at St. David Church in Willow Grove.

Father Richard Connors, pastor of St. David Parish in Willow Grove, has lollipops for the children not just at Easter but all year around, with the exception of Lent.

Father Richard Connors, pastor, greets parishioners before Mass at St. David Church in Willow Grove on Easter Sunday.

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