Posted August 28, 2017
The 43 new seminarians prayed together and, with the help of family and returning seminarians, settled into their rooms on Tuesday, Aug. 22, and the start of a journey of formation toward priesthood. Read the full story of the festivities and meet several of the new men. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Joining Father Stephen DeLacy (center), vocations director, on a walk through campus are, from left, Thomas Cipolla, Dominic Mirenda, Luke Borrajo and Declan Cole.

Dominic Mirenda’s family helps him unpack as he moves in to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood.

Vice rector Father Joseph Shenosky welcomes the new men to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Father Stephen DeLacy welcomes Philip Cheung.

New seminarian Danny Urizar, from the Trenton Diocese, and his mother check out the chapel in the College Division of the seminary.

After unpacking and registering, the new men receive a tour of the seminary.

New seminarians Robert Lane and Andrew Nichols, from the Diocese of Raleigh, are welcomed to the seminary by Bishop Timothy Senior, rector.

Returning seminarians were on hand to help the new men and welcome them.

Terrance Fulton, right, prays during Mass.

Returning seminarians along with the new men attend Mass on opening day.

Returning seminarians and the new men gather with their families for mass at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Dominic Mirenda, right, from the Archdicoese of Philadelphia offers a sign of peace to Robert Lane of the Diocese of Raleigh.

Thomas Cipolla prays during Mass on Move-In Day at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

After the opening day Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary’s Immaculate Conception Chapel, the new seminarians in their black suits joined family members for the job of unpacking and moving in. (Sarah Webb)
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