Event Name
31st Annual Pennsylvanians for Human Life Banquet
Event Location
Springfield Country Club, 400 West Sproul Rd
Start Date and Time:
Sunday February 24th
End Date and Time
Sunday February 24th
Event Description
Please join fellow pro-lifers in celebrating life from all across the Philadelphia area.
An important part of Pennsylvania for Human Life’s (PHL) educational mission is the sponsorship of an annual Celebrate Life Banquet. These banquets, as well as the luncheons and conferences which PHL has sponsored, serve three purposes.
1- An opportunity to learn about issues and new developments in the battle to protect human lives.
2- A social event enabling the supporters of PHL and of the right to life in general to meet and recognize that we are not alone and that we are not few.
3- For the Annual Banquet in particular this is an important source of funds for the continuation of PHL’s mission.
These events feature prominent speakers on important pro-life issues.
This year’s keynote speaker is Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America.
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