Event Name
Event Location
Philo at Stotesbury Mansion
Start Date and Time:
Saturday March 2nd 7PM
End Date and Time
Saturday March 2nd 10PM
Event Description
It’s that time again for Open Mic Night, and this time we’re doing it Mardi Gras-style, complete with masquerade! Amateurs are welcome and encouraged, so no need to feel shy or bashful since we’re all friends (or soon will be). While live music and karaoke will be provided, don’t forget that open mic also means poetry, comedy routines, dance, magic tricks, etc., are all fair game, so come one, come all! Special thanks go out to our gracious hosts, the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, for continuing to be so generous with providing the Philo at Stotesbury Mansion for our most beloved recurring events.
Doors open at 7pm.
If interested in performing, please email us at catholiccenterforyoungadults@gmail.com
PREVIOUS: Unplanned Screening with Generation Life
NEXT: 31st Annual Pennsylvanians for Human Life Banquet
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