Posted May 9, 2019
In a Mass Saturday, May 4 at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 21 men received the ministry of acolyte by which they will distribute holy Communion in liturgies. The men included four seminarians in priestly formation for Philadelphia, seven seminarians for other dioceses, one for the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and nine in formation for the permanent diaconate. Allentown Bishop Alfred Schlert, himself a graduate of St. Charles, was the presiding bishop who conferred the ministry. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Preparing to receive the ministry of acolyte are, from left, Mark Tobin, a seminarian for Philadelphia; James J. White IV, in formation for the permanent diaconate; and John Paul Heisler, a seminarian for the Diocese of Arlington.

Jesus Burgos receives the ministry of acolyte from Bishop Alfred Schlert.

Wesley Taveras (left) and Austin Robuck

Wesley Taveras

The candidates line the center aisle of St. Martin’s Chapel under bright morning light on Saturday, May 4.

Samuel Ujor

Posing for a photo with Allentown Bishop Alfred Schlert, center front, and St. Charles Seminary’s leadership and faculty are Philadelphia seminarians (back row from left) Mark Tobin, Kenneth Cavara, Wesley Taveras and Austin Robuck.

The men in formation to become permanent deacons and their wives stand with (front from left) seminary rector Bishop Timothy Senior, Bishop Alfred Schlert and Father Patrick Brady, head of permanent deacon formation at St. Charles Seminary.

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