Scripture reminds us that “God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance” (1 Sam 16:7), and the word “providence” (from the Latin word for “foresight”) captures this very truth.
We use the word “providence” to describe an almost inexplicable, but fortunate occurrence in our lives — a phone that rings at the right time, a “chance” encounter that leads to much-needed help. These examples are just hints of the deep, mysterious and loving presence of God in our everyday lives, even amid suffering.
In this set of articles from our partner Catholic News Service, we look more closely at divine providence and how it speaks to our relationship with the Lord and with others.
A Christian understanding of divine providence
God’s real, direct presence in our lives is neither fate nor the product of human imagination. Even in the mystery of suffering, the Lord loves us utterly, deeply and without end.
The curious ways of providence
We often ask why bad things happen to good people, but an equally important question asks why good things happen to people of all kinds, unexpected things with much-needed results. The answer lies in God’s mysterious, active presence in our lives.
PREVIOUS: A Christian understanding of divine providence
NEXT: How to become what we receive in the Eucharist
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