Posted August 5, 2020
The Catholic, Jewish, Methodist, Quaker and Episcopalian leaders of the Interfaith Council of Southern Delaware County led some 200 participants in a nonviolent Black Lives Matter protest Saturday, Aug. 1 in Ridley Township, which met with intimidation by counter-protesters. Read full coverage of the event here. (Photos by Mary E. Chollet except where noted.)

A diverse crowd gathers Saturday, Aug. 1 in Frederick L. Mann Park in Ridley Township, Delaware County for more than two hours before walking to the Ridley Police Station. Counter-protesters on motorcycles circled the crowd before the march. The event was tense but nonviolent.

Gabby Wilson of Sharon Hill, a junior at Neumann University, meets Father Ed Hallinan, pastor of St. John Chrysostom Parish, at an interfaith rally for racial justice in August 2020.

Interfaith leaders at the rally included Father Ed Hallinan, pastor of St. John Chrysostom Parish in Wallingford, and Rabbi Jeremy Gerber, of Congregation Ohev Shalom in Wallingford. (Photo courtesy State Sen. Tim Kearney)

Kevin Hughes, a theology professor at Villanova University, attends the rally with his daughter.

State Sen. Tim Kearney spoke at the rally in support of “our Black brothers and sisters” and said he would introduce a bill to ban no-knock search warrants in Pennsylvania.

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