Posted August 13, 2020
At a blessing and groundbreaking ceremony Aug. 10, Archbishop Nelson Perez and numerous civic, business and archdiocesan officials launched the St. Rita Place and Cascia Center project of archdiocesan Catholic Housing and Community Services. It will provide 46 affordable, independent living units for South Philadelphia seniors, with a community center, adjacent to the National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia. Read full coverage here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Government, business and church officials join Archbishop Nelson Perez, along with U.S. Rep. Dwight Evans (left of the archbishop) and Philadelphia City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson (to his right) in breaking ground for the St. Rita Place and Cascia Center development, a collaboration of Catholic Housing and Community Services of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, the Augustinian Fathers and numerous partners Aug. 10 at Broad and Ellsworth streets in South Philadelphia. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

James Amato (right) speaks during the blessing and groundbreaking ceremony Aug. 10 for St. Rita Place in South Philadelphia.

Joseph DeFelice, regional administrator for the federal Housing and Urban Development agency, which has been instrumental in the development of senior housing projects by archdiocesan Catholic Housing and Community Services, speaks during the ceremony at St. Rita Place, the latest CHCS project. DeFelice is a graduate of St. Matthew School in Philadelphia.

Archbishop Nelson Perez blesses the ground to be broken for St. Rita Place and Cascia Center, a senior housing facility and community center in South Philadelphia.

Joining Archbishop Perez at the groundbreaking for St. Rita Place are U.S. Rep. Dwight Evans (left) and Philadelphia City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson.

Archbishop Perez chats with Philadelphia City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson.

Archbishop Perez gives the blessing at the groundbreaking for St. Rita Place and the Cascia Center, a project in collaboration with the Augustinian congregation, led locally by Augustinian Father Michael Di Gregorio (foreground), prior provincial for the St. Thomas of Villanova Province.

Archbishop Perez speaks with South Philadelphia resident and volunteer at the St. Rita Shine about the long-awaited project to build senior housing and a community center adjacent to the shrine at Broad and Ellsworth streets in South Philadelphia. (Sarah Webb)
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