Posted May 18, 2021
In solemn and joyful rites May 15 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Archbishop Nelson Perez ordained Father Kenneth Cavara and Father Mark Tobin priests — read all about the ordination here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
As candidates for priestly ordination, Deacons Mark Tobin and Kenneth Cavara are presented to Archbishop Perez.
The parents of the newly ordained, Bill and Stephanie Tobin (left) and Noreen Cavara, receive the grateful applause of the congregation.
The ordination candidates lie on the floor of the Cathedral as prayers are sung by the choir and congregation in the Litany of Saints during the ordination rite.
Archbishop Nelson Perez ordains Father Kenneth Cavara a priest for the Philadelphia Archdiocese.
Archbishop Perez ordains Father Mark Tobin a priest for the Philadelphia Archdiocese.
Father Joseph Kelly, pastor of St. Monica Parish in South Philadelphia, lays hands on Father Kenneth Cavara, whose first priestly assignment will be to that parish.
Msgr. John Conway, left, pastor of Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish in North Wales where Father Mark Tobin will serve in his first assignment, lays hands on him during the ordination rite. Also shown at right laying hands on Father Kenneth Cavara is Father Louis Monica Jr., who was ordained last year.
Presenting the priestly stole to Father Kenneth Cavara is his brother Father Mark Cavara, ordained in 2016.
Father Herbert Sperger helps Father Mark Tobin vest in his liturgical stole and chasuble.
Archbishop Perez anoints the hands of the new priests with the oil of sacred chrism.
Father Cavara receives the chalice and paten, signs of his unity with Christ through the holy Eucharist, from Archbishop Perez.
Archbishop Perez (center) consecrates the Eucharist along with (from left) Father Mark Tobin, Bishop Timothy Senior, Bishop John McIntyre and Father Kenneth Cavara.
Father Tobin, center, gives holy Communion to his mother, Stephanie.
Father Cavara gives holy Communion to his mother, Noreen.
Fathers Tobin and Cavara offer the final blessing for Mass — their first as new priests — at the liturgy’s conclusion.
The congregation applauds the two new priests.
Father Cavara gives his first blessing to Archbishop Perez immediately after Mass in the cathedral sacristy.
Retired Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput receives the first blessing of Father Tobin.
Posing for a photo after the liturgy are, from left, Father Mark Tobin, Archbishop Nelson Perez, St. Charles Seminary rector Bishop Timothy Senior and Father Kenneth Cavara.
The Cavara family pose with the archbishop and newly ordained Father Kenneth Cavara (right).
Posing with Archbishop Perez is Father Mark Tobin and his family.
Father Tobin offers his first blessing to family members after the ordination Mass.
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