Posted June 15, 2021
The archbishop celebrated the ordination Mass on Saturday, June 12 in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul in the presence of the deacons’ wives, families and friends, and afterward gave the men their first parish assignments in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Read all about the ordination in our Local News coverage. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Archbishop Nelson Perez prays over the deacon candidates at the beginning of the ordination rite.

The candidates lie prostrate on the cathedral’s floor as the congregation prays the Litany of Saints.

The deacons’ wives plus their families and friends pray together during the Mass.

Joseph P. Boyle Jr. makes the Promise of the Elect to the archbishop.

Paul Ablaza makes the Promise of the Elect.

By the laying on of hands, Archbishop Perez ordains Deacon Diep T. Nguyen.

Deacon Kevin J. McDermott is ordained.

The archbishop ordains Deacon Joseph Boyle.

Deacon Timothy L. Murphy wears the dalmatic, the liturgical vestment of a deacon, for the first time.

Deacon Samuel O. Ujor accepts the Book of Gospels from Archbishop Perez.

Deacon Jesús M. Burgos accepts the Book of Gospels, “whose herald you now are,” in the words of the rite.

Deacon Pascual Mota exchanges a sign of peace with Archbishop Perez during the ordination rite.

Deacon Paul Ablaza (left) assists at the altar as Archbishop Nelson Perez celebrates the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Father Dennis Gill, master of ceremonies, is at right.

Newly ordained permanent Deacons Diep T. Nguyen and James J. White IV process with fellow deacons at the conclusion of ordination Mass.

Deacon Kevin McDermott receives his first parish assignment from Archbishop Perez after the ordination Mass, as Father Dennis Gill, rector of the cathedral, and Bishop Joseph Coffey look on.

Archbishop Nelson Perez (center) poses for a photo with the new class of deacons, along with Father Gregory Fairbanks (second from left), dean of the School of Diaconal Formation at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary; and Bishop Timothy Senior (second from right), seminary rector.
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