Posted August 9, 2021
Seminarians hit the road last week, Aug. 4-8, speaking about vocations to priesthood and religious life, gathering for prayer and getting to know parishioners all around the Philadelphia Archdiocese in a cycling tour that stopped at some two dozen parishes and Catholic institutions in city, suburbs and countryside — read about the annual event here. (Photos courtesy the Facebook page of the Office for Vocations to Diocesan Priesthood, except where noted.)
Seminarians roll into St. Rocco Parish in Avondale, their first stop after leaving St. Charles Seminary in Wynnewood Aug. 4.
Children and other parishioners give an excited welcome to the seminarian riders at Visitation B.V.M. Church, Trooper.
Visitation parishioners listen to a seminarian’s personal vocation story.
Visitation’s parishioners and their pastor, Father Robert Gross (lower left) send the riders off to the next leg of the journey on their final day, Sunday, Aug. 8.
Parishioners, clergy — including the pastor, Father Robert Ianelli — and religious sisters at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Chester, welcome the seminarian riders on the interior route of the tour Aug. 4.
Msgr. Federico Britto (center), pastor of St. Cyprian Parish in West Philadelphia, along with parish leaders welcome the seminarians who were passing by the church on Cobbs Creek Parkway in West Philadelphia, and stopped for a visit.
Seminarians, clergy and parishioners gathering for evening eucharistic adoration Aug. 5 at St. Mary Parish in Schwenksville.
Making their testimony of faith at St. Mary’s were from left, seminarians Mickey Fairorth, Andrew St. Denis and Dominic Mirenda.
The shrine to Venerable Matt Talbot, a would-be patron saint of those struggling with addictions, was the scene of seminarians’ visit to St. Gabriel Parish in Philadelphia.
Seminarians ride from South Philadelphia through North Philadelphia.
Seminarians ride beneath the Market Frankford El (with the rumble of a train above) in North Philadelphia.
Seminarians ride together down a lonely road during Biking for Vocations.
A group of young people at St. Isaac Jogues Parish, Wayne, led by youth minister Joe Aquilante, enjoy lunch and a discussion with the seminarians of the perimeter route.
Seminarians stopping at St. John’s Hospice in center city during the cycling tour took time to serve men experiencing homelessness.
At the end of a long day of cycling, seminarians enjoyed a dinner on the lawn at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Northeast Philadelphia Aug. 5.
The cyclists — not tourists — were men on a mission to promote vocations, stopping for a selfie along Broad Street in center city Philadelphia.
Breakdowns may be inevitable on a long ride, but the young men work together on a repair and get back on the road.
A group of cyclists on the interior route passes by St. Rose of Lima Parish in North Wales, Montgomery County.
The group arrives at its last destination of the day Aug. 6, Our Lady of Mount Camel in Doylestown, whose pastor, Father Matthew Guckin (center), tries out a bike for size.
Parishioners of Our Lady Help of Christians, Abington and their pastor, Father Anthony Janton, offer a warm welcome and cool refreshments to the seminarian riders.
Seminarian Dominic Mirenda tells of his vocation story to parishioners at St. Agnes, West Chester.
A group pauses for a selfie while enjoying the countryside of the sprawling Philadelphia Archdiocese.
Father Christopher Cooke (left) of the St. Charles Borromeo Seminary faculty and himself a rider on the tour’s perimeter route, prays with other riders and their well wishers.
The seminarians look relaxed as they arrive at Most Blessed Sacrament Parish in Bally, in the Allentown Diocese, Aug. 6.
Ending their multi-day, mega-mile tour in center city Aug. 8, the seminarians cruise down 18th Street in front of the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. (Photo by Gina Christian)
Robert Bollinger leads the way as the group coasts to a stop at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center Aug. 8. (Photo by Gina Christian)
Father Dennis Gill (left) and Archbishop Nelson Perez chat with Father Christopher Cooke and the seminarian riders. (Photo by Gina Christian)
(Photo by Gina Christian)
Archbishop Perez gives a blessing to the group and guests. (Photo by Gina Christian)
Joining the Archbishop Perez, clergy of the cathedral, seminarians and Deacon David Matour (left) was Sue Matour of the Office for Vocations to Diocesan Priesthood, which helped run the event. (Photo by Gina Christian)
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