Posted June 15, 2022
Archbishop Nelson Perez ordained six men permanent deacons for service in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia during a Mass Saturday, June 11 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. They are Deacons William J. Barrow, Peter J. Dolan, Alan T. Haley, Joseph V. Hosack Jr., J. Scott McDonald and Thomas A. Strohmetz.
As ministers at the altar, permanent deacons assist the priest and bishop in liturgies. As ordained Catholic clergy, they proclaim God’s Word, preach and teach, baptize, witness marriages, lead funeral rites, administer Holy Communion to the sick and dying, and perform works of charity in the community. See profiles of the newly ordained deacons here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

The six candidates present themselves to Archbishop Perez for ordination to the permanent diaconate.

The wives of the candidates sing a hymn with the congregation.

Charlene Angelini, left, director of the Cathedral Choir, leads a musical selection during a June 2022 Mass of ordination at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. (Sarah Webb)

The archbishop and congregation join in a sung Litany of the Saints in prayer for the candidates who lie prostrate on the cathedral floor.

Archbishop Perez prays for William Barrow during the ordination rite.

The archbishop lays hands on Alan Haley, ordaining him a deacon.

Deacon Thomas Strohmetz is ordained.

Archbishop Perez hands the Book of Gospels to Deacon Peter Dolan, as he will proclaim the Word of God publicly in his new ministry.

Deacon Joseph V. Hosack Jr. exchanges a sign of peace with the archbishop.

Permanent Deacon Steve Javie, left, offers a sign a peace to his new brother in the diaconate, Deacon Scott McDonald.

Wives of the new deacons bring up the offertory gifts to the altar during Mass.

Deacon Joseph V. Hosack Jr. incenses the congregation during Mass.

Deacon Scott McDonald receives his first parish assignment from Archbishop Perez in the cathedral sacristy after Mass: St. Andrew Parish, Newtown.

The permanent deacon class of of 2022, posing for a photo with Archbishop Perez, includes (clockwise from left) Deacons Alan T. Haley, Joseph V. Hosack Jr., William J. Barrow, Scott McDonald, Thomas A. Strohmetz and Peter J. Dolan.

Posing with the new deacons and the archbishop are St. Charles Borromeo Seminary officials responsible for forming candidates, over six years of study, for the permanent diaconate. They are Msgr. Gregory Fairbanks, dean of the School of Diaconal Formation; and Bishop Timothy Senior, seminary rector.
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