Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez issued the following letter Oct. 8 to the Saint Francis of Assisi Parish community following a devastating fire that tore through a school building the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 7 in Springfield, Delaware County.


“Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

My heart sank with deep sorrow when I learned of the fire that devastated one of the Saint Francis of Assisi school buildings late yesterday afternoon. This moment is one of pain and anxiety for your community and I have been praying for you intensely.

In the midst of these challenges, we raise our voices in Thanksgiving to God that there was no loss of life and that no one was injured as a result of the fire. We also express prayerful gratitude for the swift response of the Springfield Fire Company along with all of the fire departments and first responders who assisted them. Because of their timeliness and professionalism, the blaze did not spread to the church or other nearby buildings. Our emergency personnel put themselves at great risk to serve us each day and they deserve our unending thanks.

While this is a time of difficulty, it is not one of despair. Much work is already being done to provide for the educational needs of school families and to ensure safety on the grounds of the parish.

I spoke to your pastor, Father Matt Tralies last night. It was clear to me that he serves you with great zeal and that the Saint Francis of Assisi Parish community is a resilient one. I know that you will continue working with one another toward recovery and that God will give you strength. You are not alone.

The assistance being offered to you now and that you will continue to receive in the days ahead is a reflection of God’s love. That love is a powerful gift that can and will overcome the challenges you face. May God bless you abundantly.”

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia