Join Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish on March 16 at 6:00 p.m. for an encounter with nine rare Relics of Christ’s Passion.

This program provides an opportunity to be in the presence of these holy relics and aims to be an experience that will help attendees connect with the roots of their faith. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage in a meditative walk to Calvary and venerate these rare and holy relics.

The program will consist of a 90-minute meditational experience supported with Eucharistic Exposition, music and prayer, culminating in relic veneration. Confessions will also be available from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

This presentation is part of a collaborative initiative between the Knights of Columbus and the Apostolate for Holy Relics.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is located at 5194 Cold Spring Creamery Road in Doylestown.