Archbishop Chaput's column

The shape of things to come

Interference with religion isn't just a theme for science fiction. It's happening around the U.S., writes Archbishop Charles Chaput, who encourages people to defend the church's freedom to preach the Gospel.

Child abuse prevention month

The sexual abuse of minors is a problem that reaches into public schools, institutions and society at large, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput, who explains the church's efforts to act forcefully against it within the church herself.

Ross Douthat at Villanova’s McCullen Center

Archbishop Chaput brings to light a new initiative at Villanova University on religious freedom and a talk there next week by the noted New York Times columnist and author on the future of Catholicism.

A lesson for Holy Week

The Hebrew meaning of "holy" is "other than," and Archbishop Charles Chaput reminds us of God's redemptive ways through the story of a French policeman's self-sacrifice for a stranger, an act for which there is no greater love.

Toward a deeper experience of Lent

In his message for Ash Wednesday, Archbishop Chaput recalls the failed 1933 treaty between the Vatican and Nazi Germany. We negotiate treaties with our personal sins and dictatorial appetites all the time. Lent is a time to smash them.

Charity, clarity, and their opposite

As Catholic leaders in Germany consider blessing same-sex unions, Archbishop Chaput writes that creating confusion around important truths of our faith, no matter how good the intention, only makes the difficult task of sharing those truths more difficult.

RISE and the vocation of Christian men

Men need a challenge, and Archbishop Chaput has one for men this week. The decline of male responsibility is a big problem in American culture, and healing it begins with the conversion of our hearts and actions through tools like RISE.

Awards honor the goodness of God in papal honorees’ lives

In his remarks at a Jan. 21 ceremony for recipients of papal honors, Archbishop Chaput told the men and women that who they are is more important than what they've done. By their lives, they teach everyone how to be good.

Living out the Epiphany

As we celebrate Christ's manifestation to the Magi, we honor those who have made Jesus known to the world through their witness to the Gospel.

The more, the merrier: Christmas 2017

The words of a modern seminarian and an ancient hymn both remind us of the eternal message of Christmas, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput. In silence and simplicity, Jesus comes to "set all things aright."