Jesus Teaches Us Not to Judge People, but to Show Mercy
Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the emphasis on mercy in this Sunday's Gospel. God’s judgment on the world is forgiveness and Jesus pours forth this mercy in his ministry, passion and death.
Jesus Commands Us to Show Mercy in Life’s Ordinary Moments
Just as God "is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked," so we must respond to people in our lives, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. He points to Jesus' teaching: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”
Trust in the Lord During Ordinary Life, to Face Hardest Times with Hope
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,” says Jeremiah in this Sunday's readings. Msgr. Joseph Prior compares the prophet's plea with the Beatitudes of Jesus, which encourage his disciples to place all their hope in the Father.
When God Calls Us to Risk Going ‘Into the Deep,’ He Stays With Us
When we sense God asking us to do something that might seem challenging or frightening, like Peter we should put our trust in Jesus and go deeper into the life of faith, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.
Prayer of Praise to God Quiets Our Busy Lives Before Sleep
Msgr. Joseph Prior shows how the prayer of Simeon in the Temple, consoled by the infant Jesus, eases us into rest and prepares us for a new day of doing good in God's service.
Mary’s Words, ‘Do Whatever He Tells You,’ Place Trust in Jesus
Jesus' miracle at Cana reminds us that God’s love is present in every aspect of our lives, explains Msgr. Joseph Prior. Like water turned into wine, Jesus transforms our worries and pain.
Baptized as Jesus Was, We Walk in His Way, Giving Hope to All We Meet
The readings for the Baptism of the Lord include the prophet Isaiah's paradoxical description of the powerful Messiah as marked by gentleness and tenderness. Our baptism joins us to his ministry in his model: with humility and service.
Give Praise to God, Kindness to Others, in Thanks for Divine Gifts
Msgr. Joseph Prior shares a heartwarming Christmas memory to make a point about the Epiphany of the Lord, the feast that reminds Christians of God's gift of his Son Jesus to the world, and our share in the divine life.
On Cusp of Christmas, Allow Yourself the Joy of Expectation
The readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent heighten our anticipation and joy as we await the celebration of Jesus' first coming at Christmas, and his return as the saving Lord.
This Sunday, It’s Time to Rejoice in Jesus’ Gift of Eternal Life
As Christmas nears, sadness and anxiety rise for many people. But Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the reason for joy on the Third Sunday of Advent, when we refocus on how Jesus has delivered us from death and given us life.