
The pope said what? It could be a Facebook mash-up

Father Ken Doyle finds the source of a reader's confusion: Words from two speeches by Pope Francis, pulled together into one unlikely statement on social media.

Is abusing prescription drugs a mortal sin?

Father Ken Doyle advises a faithful Catholic, and addict, to get the help physical and spiritual help he needs. Father Doyle also addresses the question of whether it's OK to pray the Hail Mary during Mass.

When to mark holy days of obligation still leads to confusion

The rules for whether a holy day is obligatory vary greatly, and whether it's an obligation on a Saturday or Monday confuses many people. Father Ken Doyle tries to clear up the dilemma.

Pope: Self-righteous rebels are doomed, repentant sinners are saved

"The people who are humble, lowly and trust in the Lord, they are the ones who are saved, and this is the way of the church, right?" Pope Francis said during morning Mass today at the Vatican.

Count down to Christmas by counting your blessings, pope says

A Christian's Christmas joy has nothing to do with "the consumerism that leads to everyone being anxious Dec. 24 because, 'Oh, I don't have this, I need that,'" Pope Francis told parishioners on Sunday. Christian joy "comes from prayer and from giving thanks to God."

No prize, not for sale: God’s grace is free, loving embrace, pope says

God's grace isn't "merchandise" that people can hoard or exploit for themselves; it is a free and loving embrace from God, Pope Francis said.

All Father wants for Christmas is…

Like everyone, Father Joseph Corley is waiting during Advent for Jesus, the hope of the world. But the Delaware County pastor knows the spiritual gifts he wants for Christmas, and here's hoping he gets them.

Enjoy the music at Mass? Hold your applause

Breaking the flow of the liturgy and spirit of prayer by clapping for a choir during Mass seems inappropriate to Father Ken Doyle, who answers questions in his weekly column.

Church is ‘mother’ when it offers mercy and tenderness, pope says

"The joy of going out to search for our brothers and sisters who are far off, this is the joy of the church," the pope said at morning Mass today. "That is when the church becomes a mother, becomes fruitful."

Disposing of cremains and that old wedding ring

Father Ken Doyle finds ample church teaching on how respectfully to bury or entomb a loved one's cremated remains, but less so on what to do with the wedding ring from one's first, annulled, marriage.