Is missing Mass a mortal sin?
Q. Is there a book you can suggest that would help a senior citizen to understand the Bible (one that does not require a DVD, etc.)? (Indianapolis) A. I'm sure that there are many such books, and you would probably get as many answers as the number of priests you asked. One that I have found helpful over the years is called "The Collegeville Bible Handbook." It was published by The Liturgical Press in 1997 and contains a one-page summary of each of the 73 books of the Bible as well as a short commentary on the significant sections of each book.
Becoming worldly, weak is church’s biggest threat, pope says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The biggest threat to the church is worldliness, Pope Francis said in his daily morning Mass homily. A worldly church becomes weak, and while people of faith can look after the church, only God “can look evil in the eye and overpower it,” he said April 30. [hotblock] The pope celebrated […]
Pope: Confession is not like dry cleaners, but is encounter with Jesus
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Going to confession isn't like heading off to be tortured or punished, nor is it like going to the dry cleaners to get out a stain, Pope Francis said in a morning Mass homily. "It's an encounter with Jesus" who is patiently waiting "and takes us as we are," offering penitents his tender mercy and forgiveness, he said April 29.
Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for May
General intention: "That administrators of justice may act always with integrity and right conscience." Mission intention: “That seminaries, especially those of mission Churches, may form pastors after the Heart of Christ, fully dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel.”
Christian life is a time to prepare to enjoy heaven, pope says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Christian life is about allowing Jesus and the Holy Spirit to prepare each person to truly see and enjoy the beauty of eternal life, Pope Francis said in a morning Mass homily. Some may say, "'But, Father, I see well. I don't need glasses.' But that's a different type of vision," he said April 26. "Think about those who suffer from cataracts and need an operation. They see, but after the procedure, what do they say? 'I never thought I could see like this.'"
Does forgiveness have limits? Who has a right to Catholic burial?
Q. In Matthew 18:21-22, we are given a standard of forgiveness which I interpret to mean that we are to forgive always ("not seven times, but seventy seven"). I'm at a loss, though, as to how to apply that in my case. Is it enough that God knows I've forgiven my mother, or must I show it by giving her another chance with my children? (Rochester, N.Y.) A. You are correct in thinking that the mandate for a Christian is to strive to forgive always. I hope that your mother knows you've forgiven her, and I imagine you've been able to communicate that to her. Forgiveness, though, does not demand that you put your children in peril, and you, as their parent, are in the best position to know what would cause them harm.
Flag over casket; did Christ come to save all or many?
Q. I have noticed that the casket of a veteran is no longer draped with an American flag at the funeral Mass. Why not? The service of these men and women helps provide the freedom of worship that we all enjoy. Why does the church no longer honor that? (Daly City, Calif.) A. The Order of Christian Funerals says in No. 132 that "any national flags or the flags or insignia of associations to which the deceased belonged are to be removed from the coffin at the entrance to the church."
Pope: God is real, concrete person, not mysterious, intangible mist
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Christian faith teaches that God is a real, concrete person, not some intangible essence or esoteric mist like “god-spray,” Pope Francis said. In his homily April 18 at an early morning Mass in the chapel of his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis said many people say they believe […]
Death of a friend reminds him that life is a ‘matrix of spirits’
On Good Friday, I was told that my best friend of 50 years, Father Raymond Garbin, had died. I thank God for the beautiful memories of Ray Garbin, but he is more than a passing memory. His spirit lives on in me and those he touched. It is an undying spirit of wisdom and down-to-earth style, mirroring Christ, who, in addition to giving us his flesh and blood, gave us his undying spirit.
For lawmakers and nonpracticing Catholics, questions of Communion
Q. I read in the paper that Vice President Joseph Biden and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi both received holy Communion at the Vatican during the installation Mass of Pope Francis, in spite of their pro-choice views on abortion. Is there an official church position on this?(Clifton Park, N.Y.) A. In 2004, Catholic bishops in the United States held long discussions at several meetings on the very issue you raise. With a few bishops in favor of withholding Communion from politicians who favor abortion and the majority against, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops decided to leave such decisions to individual bishops in their dioceses.