A Child born to die
Jesus took flesh to redeem us from death, and recalling the "shadow side" of Advent enables us to prepare more fully for Christmas, writes Gina Christian.
Advent patience: Lessons from Father Henri Nouwen
The late Catholic spiritual writer describes how to cultivate a spirituality of waiting, which is active not passive work, and which begins by spiritually showing up, no matter how imperfect our prayer or trust in God.
Benedictine way still enlightens during Advent
Effie Caldarola unpacks the writings of Kathleen Norris, a non-Catholic Protestant writer who reminds of the need for God in modern life, and the need to slow down, pray and, especially, wait.
Despite stresses of the season, we rejoice in the Lord’s nearness
This time of the year can be very stressful for many people, but we have the ability to help through acts of kindness and prayer, themes present in the readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, which Msgr. Joseph Prior explains.
The One among us we do not recognize
St. John the Baptist pointed out the Lamb of God as within our midst, but unseen in our blindness -- and this Advent, we can ask for the prophet's help in finding "God with us" in our daily lives, writes Gina Christian.
Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Advent
Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
During Advent, rediscover a place of rest with St. Edith Stein
Killed at Auschwitz, the modern saint found in her sufferings a peace in God despite the fear, terror and unrest of the age in which she lived, writes Lindsey Weishar.
Prepare way for Jesus who breaks into history and our everyday lives
Msgr. Joseph Prior reflects on the Second Sunday of Advent and the eucharistic celebration in which the God who saves leads us, speaks to us and nourishes us for the journey through life as we long for and anticipate Jesus' return.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux: My guide through Advent
With its focus on simplicity, the "little way" of the beloved saint is a sure roadmap through this time of hopeful waiting, writes Susan Hines-Brigger.
Chesterton: Advent waiting is a gift
The experience of anticipation gives God room to refine and purify our desires, said G. K. Chesterton -- a message Shemaiah Gonzalez appreciates more than ever amid COVID-19.