
Readings of the Holy Mass – Third Sunday of Easter

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Dancing on our graves with the risen Christ

The Resurrection creates a new soundtrack for life, one that enables us to move through loss with grace and joy, writes Gina Christian.

Proclaiming Jesus’ victory in what we say and do

It is our responsibility to proclaim the peace and joy of the risen Jesus to all through our words of encouragement and caring deeds, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on this Sunday's readings for Mass.

Even after 50 years, you can come back to the church

Father Ken Doyle has words of encouragement and advice for a person who divorced, remarried and drifted away from the faith, but who seeks the strength of the sacraments in later years.

Divine Mercy Sunday continues the victory of Easter

The loving power that raised Jesus from the dead is further revealed as we contemplate the immeasurable compassion and forgiveness of the triune God, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

‘Alleluia’ is a dangerous word

The ancient cry of "praise the Lord," central to the Easter season, has defied evil and hopelessness for centuries while echoing throughout eternity, writes Gina Christian.

Novenas, Masses continue in fresh, intimate ways at Mary’s shrine

The challenges of the pandemic year have brought alterations in the liturgies of the Miraculous Medal Shrine resulting in an energizing lightness to the Mass. A Vincentian priest hopes for a generous return to in-person prayer where the doors remain open.

Easter season is time to seek the risen Lord, experience joy, pope says

After his Regina Coeli prayer, Pope Francis wished everyone would welcome "in our hearts, in our homes and in our families" the proclamation of Easter: "Christ, having risen from the dead dies now no more; death will no longer have dominion over him."

Readings of the Holy Mass – Easter Sunday

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.