Three ways the Temple shows that God still dwells with us
Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the image of the Temple -- a holy building, the body of Jesus and the living Body of Christ, the church -- presented in this Sunday's readings for Mass.
Slogging through hard times with St. Ansgar
The ninth-century saint, who faced pagans and pirates to spread the Gospel, can teach a much-needed lesson to faithful who are discouraged today, writes Gina Christian.
Jesus and his beatitudes are model to follow
Calling the beatitudes the "self-portrait of Jesus," a cardinal leading a Lenten meditation at the Vatican said "the life Jesus proposes to others is his way of being. He teaches by what he does."
Fast from indifference during communal heartbreak
Writer Claire Lucas believes that in a throwaway culture and at a time of pandemic suffering, it is easy to become apathetic. But the world needs our tender love in the model of the Lord.
Fasting from sin: the never-ending Lenten challenge
Fasting cannot be fixed solely on ourselves, nor on a desire to replenish our own bodies. It can lead us to a renewed appreciation and desire for God in our lives.
As walk with Peter through Lent, we see much of ourselves
In St. Peter we see eagerness trumped by fear, plenty of mistakes, feelings of unworthiness and deep regret, plus enthusiasm and a desire to do right. He's a subject of meditation for Effie Caldarola.
Making plans for death
One Catholic reader asks Father Ken Doyle about burial in a non-Catholic cemetery, and another reader fears for the state of his soul as he approaches his passage from life.
Monthly novena to St. Joseph launches March 19
The Philadelphia Archdiocese invites all to unite in prayer for the intercession of St. Joseph starting March 19 and continuing on the 19th of each month through November.
God offers humanity a love with no equal on earth, pope says
Pope Francis continued his series of talks on prayer by looking at how Jesus opened the door to God, revealing his true identity as a loving father with whom one could talk through prayer.
A holiness that doesn’t make headlines
We have all known quiet, hidden souls who build the kingdom of God through their simple, steadfast witness, writes Gina Christian. Like St. Joseph, such individuals are humble reminders of the Father, and for them we are thankful.