
Where gladness and hunger meet is where God is calling you

There are many needs right in your own parish community. But instead of volunteering because you "have to," find a good fit that elicits a "deep sense of gladness," writes Effie Caldarola. Then run, don't walk, to make this commitment.

What we owe America’s farmworkers

Many Americans care about eating ethically (organic or free range) but do not think about the exploitation of the largely Latino farmworkers who are making their meals possible. Immigration reform would be huge step toward justice.

No selfies at the first Christmas, but a lesson for the new year

The artwork for Christmas focuses on the baby Jesus and his gaze outward to us, reminding Father Thomas Dailey that self-acceptance, not the affirmation of a cell phone selfie, is the real way to fulfillment.

The sacrifice at your hands

Laura Kelly Fanucci considers all the things that hands can do each day and how, as the prayer of the priest at Mass, says, offers our acceptable sacrifice to God. The hard work of our hands is the work of Christ.

Hubby needs wife’s support, but only gets constant criticism

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss in their "Marriage Matters" column how even a couple married for many years can experience insensitivity and a failure to communicate honestly.

Reasoning the way to the heart of the matter

While rational debate seems lost in our postmodern world, emotion and reason have always contended on moral issues, writes Richard Doerflinger. We must speak to both hearts and minds when advocating for life.

Resolve to be realistically better in 2018

For those who dread making New Year's resolutions, Greg Erlandson offers four practical suggestions that have staying power.

Have the holiday blues? Here’s a gift that never disappoints

It's easy to get swept up in Christmas as a day for secular celebration rather than a religious season. Our intentions aren't bad, but we get caught in the weeds that our culture is sowing. Look to the humble Blessed Virgin as a remedy, says an editorial.

The trouble with Christmas, with regards to Easter

The frenzy of Christmas consumerism is making for a bleak Christmas and driving Matthew Gambino to his knees, from which he can celebrate the feast of the Nativity, in simplicity and humility.

We all have responsibility in dealing with sexual abuse

Protecting the dignity of women is a job for everyone in society -- parents, teachers and coworkers -- writes Mary Uhler. As St. John Paul II said, "we cannot remain indifferent or resigned."