
The Splendor of Truth in 2017

Archbishop Charles Chaput has written a reflection for First Things magazine on next year's 25th anniversary of the release of St. John Paul II’s encyclical Veritatis Splendor, the wisdom of which is more urgently needed than ever.

‘Honey, about your drinking’

A husband needs to address his wife's use of alcohol, but how? Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain have five healthy alternatives for dealing with drinking before it becomes a big problem for a marriage.

Tearing down prejudice, rather than just statues

Recent calls to remove Civil War statues have more to do with present issues rather than historical controversies, writes Greg Erlandson. By examining both our past and present, we can shape a more just and compassionate future.

Ending DACA is cruel, harmful and unjust for young ‘Dreamers’

Even though Congress has not been able to enact immigration reform for years, now they will have to do so in six months to resolve the Trump administration's "heartless" decision, writes Father Gus Puleo.

You, too, can be a hero for Houston

Hurricane Harvey damaged some 450,000 homes in Southeast Texas and Louisiana. Heroes such as "Mattress Mack" offered his faith-filled response, and everyone can do so through a collection for Catholic Charities USA.

Ideologies of hatred show sickness of our nation

Our Catholic faith provides three responses to the violence and divisions in America -- from both the political right and left, writes Richard Doerflinger. Only those calling upon the healer of souls will get to the root of the problem.

What is our most precious treasure?

The Lord points us not to what is precious in life -- prosperity, honors -- but to what is priceless, such as the kingdom of heaven and those who imitate the life of Christ, writes Father Eugene Hemrick.

Bringing the Eucharist and becoming the body of Christ

This fall parishes are reaching out for volunteers. Choose a ministry that calls to you, advises Effie Caldarola, who can attest that as an extraordinary minister of holy Communion, you will get more out of ministry than you give.

Building the ‘peaceable kingdom’ without racism is our fight

Carolyn Woo once let Chinese jokes and derogatory comments go unchallenged. Until it came to her son. Now in the wake of Charlottesville, she knows racism toward "the other" must not go unchallenged.

The virtue of meekness is an antidote to the epidemic of anger

Gentleness is not weakness, but rather a powerful medicine that counters the feverish wrath of our times, writes Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S.