
Two Catholic firsts, Flores and Carroll, in times of great change

America's Catholic identity was shaped by two remarkable archbishops -- one in the 18th century and the other in the 20th -- writes Hoffsman Ospino, who sees that a new way of being a U.S. Catholic is dawning.

Help from Archbishop Patricio F. Flores at a critical time

America's first Hispanic bishop meant a lot to countless Latino Catholics, especially to Moises Sandoval, who found friendship and enduring inspiration from Archbishop Flores during a serious illness years ago.

Pa. Speaker Turzai: Expanding school tax credits a good investment

Writer Amy Hill interviews Rep. Mike Turzai, who calls for more EITC and OSTC state tuition tax credits that provide aid to thousands of nonpublic school parents, enabling more to choose the best school for their children.

Egg/sperm donation industry is a religious liberty issue

Denying the right of children conceived artificially to "honor your father and your mother" makes this a civil rights issue, writes Ellen Giangiordano, and private citizen Barack Obama should support its prohibition.

America, land of prosperity: Even the word means hope

Christ reached out to the outcasts of his day, showing us that no barrier should stop us from helping one another, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. Prosperity is not only about economic progress but seeking the good of others.

Why repeal the Johnson Amendment? There is wisdom in it

The provision of the tax code prohibiting churches from endorsing candidates should not be repealed, writes John Garvey, because the Catholic Church should not be making political endorsements anyway.

Church, community come together to offer prenatal care to women

Read Father Gus Puleo's award-winning essay on how medical professionals, seminarians and parish-based health promoters are offering care to immigrant Hispanic women at St. Patrick Parish, Norristown.

Today’s judgment on the past may become tomorrow’s indictment

Just as leaders at Yale will be judged for how they handled the legacy of a renowned, pro-slavery alum, so will our actions be judged, writes seminarian Eric Banecker. We must seek God's will above all, knowing people's opinions are fickle.

Only Congress can fix our antiquated, broken immigration system

Blame for the fears stoked by President Trump's immigration orders lies with the failure of Congress to enact comprehensive reform these past 15 years, writes Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski. Most immigrants in the U.S. without proper documents harm no one but work hard to provide opportunities for their families, he writes.

Love and mercy in politics? It’s so crazy it just might work

Political divisions in the U.S. have grown as words are used to attack, not communicate, writes Richard Doerflinger. Catholics can model an approach that begins with love and respect for everyone.