
A way forward on immigration

Archbishop Jose Gomez points out a little known, multi-faceted consensus in public opinion regarding immigration reform. Catholics are waiting for a president and the media who have the will and the courage to tell the truth and to lead.

Are your grandparents lonely?

Many elderly people feel the sting of loneliness at Christmas, even as young people may lose contact with them, writes Sister Constance Veit. She offers some ways young and old can give their loving presence this holiday.

Our response to God’s gift of Jesus, our love, is ‘finest gift we bring’

Father Joseph Corley sees wisdom in the carol "Little Drummer Boy," and he offer 7 ways to prevent our Christmas spirit from getting hijacked. Number 1: Don't shop until you drop, or get in serious debt.

Uncle is welcome for Christmas, but not his smoking habit

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain help a couple deal with an uncle who wants to smoke in their house, against their wishes. Communication between the couple is key, they advise.

Racism is a disease that must be cured

The new administration can count on the Catholic Church, writes Archbishop Wilton Gregory, to help eradicate this devastating moral sickness at a time when racist sentiments have again become acceptable to express publicly.

Spend less, give more and turn Christmas upside down

Americans will spend $656 billion, or more than $800 per person, on Christimas gifts this year. Maria-Pia Negro Chin believes we should be praying more fully and stop spending money on gifts we won't remember.

Looking beyond the electoral divide and politics itself for healing

Wise advice from Abraham Lincoln and C.S. Lewis can help us examine our own hearts as we seek healing and hope after the division and rancor of the recent presidential election, writes a guest commentator.

Four ways Trump can help the church to serve society

Archbishop William Lori says the federal government has tried to coerce people of faith to violate their consciences. He believes President-elect Donald Trump can remove regulatory burdens that weigh heavily on people of faith.

What the pro-life community wants from the Trump administration

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, writing in a new series of columns, hopes to see immediate enforcement of federal conscience protections on abortion and an end to the contraceptive mandate.

This link you can trust: How to spot fake news

Fake restaurant reviews are bad enough, but Effie Caldarola finds it far more serious when unscrupulous purveyors make up news just for money. She advises we click on items only from reputable, though flawed, media.