
‘Ask and it will be given to you’ takes on new meaning for helpful sister

Writer Kim Griffin's mission to find a household item for her sister started with a prayer for God's help. After a few frustrating stops, her prayer was answered -- providing a swift lesson in reliance on providence.

Simple acts off the football field teach big lessons of tradition

The coach of Father Judge High School’s freshman football team discovered that his players understood what the coaches had been teaching about sowing the seeds of school pride back into the program.

Words help us give the best of ourselves to one another

At its best, language conveys intricate information, deep feelings and wonderful stories. Maureen Pratt hopes we don't become so focused on our own sensitivities that we lose the ability to relate to people through the words we use.

Your death may be your last, best gift to loved ones

The chance to care selflessly and with deep love for a dying relative or spouse should give pause to those calling for assisted suicide, writes Little Sister of the Poor Constance Veit, who is experiencing her own mother’s final hours.

In delaying start of family, a couple weighs the risks

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss the case of a married couple planning their family, and the natural, less risky methods available to conceive children -- the "crown" of marriage.

Building bridges of compassion is hard work

Moises Sandoval calls on the American electorate to vote for empathy next Tuesday. He tells how today's immigrants are real people with great gifts to be offered, if only we use our hands as the Lord wants.

To ‘fly away’ from turbulent times, or stay and transform them?

People are fed up with our uncouth political atmosphere and echo the psalmist's desire to flee far away. But Father Eugene Hemrick offers St. Paul's advice to configure our hearts to Christ and seek the good of others.

Before troubles erupt, put energy into prevention

The car, the refrigerator and the computer all broke at the same time, but Maureen Pratt knows the way to prevent breakdowns in relationships is to strengthen the fabric of our world before it frays.

‘Rise,’ and overcome your doubts

In his review of pop star Katy Perry's new song "Rise," Charlie Martin writes that God has placed his divine purpose into all of our lives. We can trust that even if our goal becomes elusive, God will guide us.

When overextended teens burn out, their health suffers

Just as burnout happens with adults, teens can be affected by stress, lack of sleep and constant emotional and physical overexertion. Maria-Pia Negro Chin suggests healthy habits to put balance in your life.