
Sister’s surprising directive spurs life-changing action

Daniel Sinnott shares a life-changing experience with a Sister of Mercy who challenged him to get the education he needed to move forward in his career.

Christians are called to welcome the stranger into our hearts

Welcoming the stranger is our obligation as Christians, and it is in them we encounter Christ, says Effie Caldarola.

Can we help destroy violence in the world?

Father Hemrick questions what causes violence and proposes ways to decrease it in our society.

Finding online connections with others

Erik Rommel highlights how a teen helps others feel connected by sharing anonymous messages on the Internet.

Lessons for the Year of Mercy

Carolyn Woo says the Year of Mercy gives us the opportunity to note that gratitude and resentment cannot coexist.

Don’t lose steam while embarking on another year of resolutions

Bill Dodds shares an achievable way to begin spending more time praying each day.

Responsible citizenship requires registering to vote

In his weekly column, Father Byron emphasizes the importance of voting and being responsible citizens.

The gift of time for the lonely

Christmas is a season of longing, when thoughts turn to home and family, often the images of a time past. Some of us, when we were in college, away at work, or in the U.S. armed forces, longed to come home to the loving embrace of parents and siblings.

How can parents meet the challenge of keeping Christ in Christmas?

Our secular culture and preoccupation with buying Christmas gifts makes it difficult for families to focus on the birth of the Christ Child. Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain offer advice on how families can keep Christ in Christmas.

Welcoming those who feel unwelcomed

Father Hemrick emphasizes the importance of recognizing outcasts in our society who are often forgotten or ignored. Referring to Pope Francis’ apostolic exortation, “Joy of the Gospel,” he says Catholics are called to practice inclusion and welcome the exiled.