
Unpacking the unforgettable

Maureen Pratt's favorite souvenir from the papal visit to America: The conversations about faith with other Catholics, Christians or no faith at all.

When ‘they’ becomes a dangerous word

Carolyn Woo sees how the outsiders, people unlike "us," may become threatening. She finds guidance in "the people's pope," and Pope Francis' words in Philadelphia.

Getting at terrorism, by its roots

The best ways of uprooting the poverties that spawn terrorism, writes Father Eugene Hemrick, are to create jobs, provide sound education and flood the airwaves with truth-filled ideals that are able to counter pseudo-idealism.

Pope challenges all to offer mercy and welcome to immigrants

Father Gus Puleo, pastor of a predominantly Hispanic parish in Norristown, points out a central theme for Pope Francis’ pontificate and his recently completed visit to the U.S.: immigration reform that focuses on the person.

Pope Francis’ visit to a prison sent 3 messages to families

Theology professor Stephen Miles believes the pope is inviting everyone to see prisoners as part of the human family, to care for families in distress and to keep Sunday a holy day.

A papal handshake loaded with meaning

A photo of Pope Francis shaking a Philadelphia prison inmate's hand has Jesuit Father William Byron hoping many other hands -- of leaders and of prisoners -- find each other and form productive partnerships.

Don’t believe rumors you hear

Karen Osborne sees the power of salacious rumors causing people to judge without thinking, as in the pope's "meeting" with Kim Davis.

An unforgettable journey

What the pope seemed to be telling us during his visit is that the process political leaders follow in trying to solve problems is deeply flawed, writes Moises Sandoval. Pope Francis is humbly illustrating another way, based on the Gospel.

The shoes of the fisherman on the feet of Francis

Catholic University President John Garvey believes we noticed the visit of Pope Francis last week so clearly because he paid so little attention to outward show.

At St. Junipero canonization Mass, a free-wheeling joy

Maureen Pratt saw the link from Pope Francis to Junipero Serra in the seminarians and novices at the Mass in Washington, and a tangible delight in meeting new faces and faith-graced love.