
Joys of the papal visit weren’t just about the pope

Catholic's editor writes the excitement of seeing Pope Francis among us last week tapped into a need to notice God in the world around us, and what happens when we do so.

Pope Francis: a model ministry

It is not every day that a Jewish kid gets to sit with the Holy Father. A rabbi speaking with the pope in New York last week reflects on what was otherwise a quiet week on the Jewish calendar.

Pope Francis, religious freedom and Independence Hall

As a native Philadelphian, I'm proud of the city's Independence Hall, the Pennsylvania Statehouse that became the birthplace of the United States when the Founding Fathers approved the Declaration of Independence there in 1776.

Anti-Catholic bigotry fails to dampen call to love in Philadelphia

"Enter that line and you enter the path of destruction!" That's what a man holding a sign filled with Bible verses screamed to me as I came close to a security checkpoint for access to the much-anticipated papal Mass in Philadelphia Sept. 27.

The shadow of Peter fell on America last week

A priest who serves the Holy See’s press office writes that Pope Francis came into his own with his visit to Cuba and America last week. And his visit healed, just as the first pope.

Can’t travel to explore your faith? Try a virtual pilgrimage

When Maureen Pratt could not join fellow parishioners on a pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal, her pastor set up a digital way to involve folks back home every step of the way.

Becoming a nation of service and a better America

Drift and purposelessness are widespread among young people, writes Father William Byron. They could be transformed by giving a year or two of service.

Some feared papal invasion in 19th century America

As the region prepares to welcome Pope Francis, a historian looks to a time when the very thought of a papal visit to the United States would have been cause for alarm.

Pope Francis and his popularity

Richard Trumka believes Pope Francis will talk about the worries that keep working people up at night. Judging by polls, most Americans will listen to him eagerly.

Exploring the genius of women through Mary’s lens

Columnist Carolyn Woo sees the "feminine genius" manifested in the lives of friends and family members, and especially through the model of Mary on her feast day today, Sept. 8.