
St. Anne, grandmother of her savior

John Garvey is excited about a unique exhibit of art about Mary. In one painting, Mary sits beside her mother and between them they hold Jesus, who leans back and looks over his shoulder at his grandmother.

The best Christmas deal is free

Black Friday sales have begun already, and thus begins too much running around during a season that's supposed to bring us peace. Father Eugene Hemrick suggests an antidote: Daily Mass.

Husband’s a spender, wife’s a saver: What do they do?

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain aren't concerned as much about a couple's spending habits -- though they call for better communication -- as on emphasizing people (children especially) over things.

Please, it’s for a good cause

Father William Byron knows it is not easy to ask for money but doing so is essential. He advises fundraisers to remember that among donors, it is the heart that gives, fingers just let go.

How to stop cyber bullying right now

Karen Osborne writes it's time for everyone to stop participating in online harassment. Don't share someone's personal information that isn't yours, or say and write hurtful things about other people.

In November, a call to reform the prison culture

The logic of locking people up and throwing the key away still reigns. But some states are looking at ways to close prisons, reform prisoners and reduce crime. A Catholic organization is leading the call.

Pa. Catholics worked hard to influence state lawmakers

Joelle Shea reviews the advocacy efforts of Catholics in the state during the 2013-2014 legislative session in Harrisburg, and the issues of interest to Catholics faced by a new governor and legislators next year.

Status of PCC action alert issues

Throughout the year, thousands of Catholics in Pennsylvania contacted their legislators through the Catholic Advocacy Network. We review the status of those efforts on five specific issues.

7 ways ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ can revitalize the church and its priests

A Delaware County parish pastor explains how Pope Francis’ exhortation is renewing his priestly ministry and inspiring his parish’s new, bold and attractive expressions of faith.

Look at the contrasts of God’s abundance vs. consumerism

A misinterpretation of God's abundance has led many down the path of buying more, having more, building more, storing more, using more, wasting more, needing more, writes Carolyn Woo of Catholic Relief Services. It's not sustainable or honorable.