
In these ‘interesting’ times, make the best of this gift

There's never been a boring time to be blessed to live on this precious earth, and 2020 is no exception. Honor this brief time, writes Effie Caldarola, and try to cover someone you love with warmth.

What comes after the pandemic?

Pope Francis is pointing out the vulnerabilities of our sick society. But after we leave the field hospital, we face the temptation to return to the same disparities, injustices and degradation that we have lived with for so long.

Why is our discourse destructive? We enjoy anger

Taking pleasure in the abuse of our political or religious opponents for its own sake is not just coarsening, it's wrong, writes John Garvey. Or as his kids would say, that's messed up.

President Trump’s actions are irreconcilable with Scripture

Many moral issues are at stake in the upcoming presidential election. But local parishioner David Koppisch sees a gap too big to ignore between what Christians believe and what the president stands for.

A reminder to speak the truth in charity

Declaring people beyond the mercy of God because of their political positions, we sin against the Holy Spirit and indulge the evil found in our own heart.

To walk in our divided political land, try buddy system

Some people despair that they will ever have a fruitful conversation with a person of another political party, so Amy Uelmen suggests pairing charitably with a person whose views differ.

Teach the faith with digitally enhanced storytelling

Religious education risks falling into irrelevance in the digital landscape, writes Father Thomas Dailey. Investment, in terms of material and human resources, is needed to save it.

Can we disagree less disagreeably?

Our Catholic Church seems to be rending itself into angry factions, and Greg Erlandson points to two reasons why that's worrisome. He finds encouragement, and a challenge, in St. Paul.

Let nature give you a break when you’re burdened

Hikes, gardening or playing outside have helped Sarah Albanese and her family find joy amidst the turmoil of the past six months. Natural beauty has tremendous physical, mental and spiritual benefits.

Conflict, confusion but little dialogue on abortion

Richard Doerflinger examines an in-depth survey that underscores the need for a more informed and sympathetic conversation about abortion in which we may understand more deeply our own convictions.