
Religious neutrality, the heart of separation of church and state

The Constitution isn't mean to push religion off into a corner, but to let us make up our own minds, writes John Garvey.

Our vanishing children

The eradication of Uighur children from China by force should remind us of the decline of children in the U.S. by choice, and all that it portends, writes Elise Italiano Ureneck.

Freedom in the face of mandates for masks

A view of freedom that focuses only on one's personal freedom leads to self-imprisonment, the opposite of being free, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. The pandemic will be conquered only by thoughtful people with a moral conscience.

End the tragedy of the American Indian Reservation

Writer Richard May takes a painful look at the deep poverty in which Native Americans live in the reservation system. He points to the church's role in lifting up the first Americans.

Power of prayer revealed after sentencing of abusive ex-priest

Michael McDonnell watched the former priest Francis Trauger sentenced to prison last week and found release from years of pain, trusting in God's mercy with the aid of other faithful supporters.

Welcome back to Mass. The church needs you more than ever

The church has responded with patience, generosity and heroism during this pandemic. Whether you've gone back to Mass or not, you can help support your parish and your media today.

Laughing at God’s good plans, and listening

As a youth minister, Katie Prejean McGrady helped plant the seed of vocation for a young man who laughed, but then followed the call and became a priest.

Communication can pave path toward communion

Transparent and honest collaboration is the first step toward building more than mere community, but instead a communion of souls, writes Matthew Gambino.

Homework for the Fourth of July

A reference to the comic character Buckwheat during preparations for a family gathering sparked a reflection by Gina Christian on racism and the lesson plan for dismantling it, so that all humans can be truly free.

New ruling keeps DACA breathing, barely

Edith Avila Olea, a "dreamer" under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, was overjoyed that the Supreme Court saved the program. But much work remains to fix our broken immigration system.