
Astronauts wore faith in God on their spacesuits

While there may not be many "atheists sitting atop the launchpad," there is a history of awed travelers in space unafraid to express their faith, observes an editorial.

Why Catholics can save the environment

Through an “environmental examen,” we can personally and collectively hold ourselves accountable for working to heal the scars we have inflicted upon creation, and in sharing it with fairness and wisdom, writes Gina Christian.

Creative service in today’s church

It is harder than ever for musicians, visual artists, dancers or writers to make a living through their art, but as Maureen Pratt explains, the church has and still can benefit greatly from thoughtful, faithful creative artists.

To make it to Mass, how far would you go?

Many Catholics easily drive to the nearest parish of their choice. But in the future, writes Greg Erlandson, Catholics will have to drive much farther, or do without, because the number of priests won't match expectations.

My blessed friend and saintly model, Msgr. Joe Corley

Msgr. Ralph Chieffo remembers how his late friend and ordination classmate lived as a disciple of Jesus and a priest throughout his life. Even in his final agony his spirit of love, peace and joy remained.

Top 5 benefits of attending a Catholic college

Writer Chloe Bennet reviews the reasons that teenagers searching for the right college or university should consider the opportunities of Catholic institutions, large or small.

Behold, the real world beyond the screens

"Behold" announces the holy, and in today's world of distractions, we should take time to put down our phones and behold those we love -- to hold them in holy attention, writes Laura Kelly Fanucci.

Icons on ammo boxes

George Weigel reviewed a Ukrainian Catholic art exhibit in Philadelphia that shows the transformation of the lethal into the life-giving, even as they support healing from persecution here and now.

A massive clean up for the crisis of fatherhood

As Father Eric Banecker reads a new novel about a wayward father, he thinks about abusive spiritual fathers in the church. The grace of renewal marks the way forward, even if it is painful and slow.

The Declaration of Interdependence

The text that announced the creation of the United States actually affirms not a self-serving individualism, but the need to work together for the common good, writes Gina Christian.