
We’re all connected by hunger for food and one another

Patrick Walsh helps to run a Catholic Social Services food pantry in which he sees how people -- both those who need help obtaining food and those who don't -- share vulnerability and potential in our shared humanity.

The awesome role of liberal arts

When liberal arts are neglected by universities it is possible for schooling to focus solely on the pursuit of money and a narrow mentality in which humanity takes second place, writes Father Eugene Hemrick.

Nicholas Black Elk: Prophet to Lakota a sign of hope today

The Native American convert to Catholicism and declared Servant of God strengthened his people's faith in Christ amid the collapse of their world. His example does the same for all today, says an expert on his life.

Creation, redemption, martyrdom: A Lenten reflection

God formed and then restored the world so that we might share his holiness, writes George Weigel. Even amidst the recent murder of an African missionary priest, God remains with us, thirsting for our loving "yes" to his offer of salvation.

Learning to be astonished

How do we draw strength to remain hopeful and active in the world? Effie Caldarola suggests we quiet down, look at the natural world, and read the poetry of Mary Oliver for inspiration.

An ark for a new world

Maureen Pratt tells how one volunteer with a group where people with and without intellectual disabilities live alongside one another discovered that her value was not in what she did, but in her presence.

Unpleasant, with a purpose: How the cross evangelizes the culture

Americans in 2019 understand the value of suffering, and that’s an opening for the church to present the cross anew, writes Father Eric Banecker. The cross attracts because it goes against the spirit of the age.

In a shrinking church, put focus on liturgy among youth

Facing a grim picture of Catholic presence and participation in parishes, one might expect the new document on youth would link young people with the Mass, but it doesn't, writes Father Thomas Dailey.

Five ways poetry can increase your faith

While we don't bump into poetry every day, the slowness, rhythms and metaphors of poetry can enrich our daily life and our prayer life, as Catholic poet and editor Tim Bete explains.

Vaccination is a moral obligation

Despite the admission to a Catholic school in Kentucky of families that refuse to vaccinate their children, Catholic teaching allows for vaccinations, and encourages them to safeguard vulnerable people.