
A plan for negligent bishops?

A five-point policy for investigating and removing a bishop anywhere in the world was approved two years ago by Pope Francis. An editorial wonders when the policy will be employed, for the sake of justice.

Final thoughts on the eve of youth synod

If the synod fathers don't lose focus and succumb to ecclesial infighting, they might not fumble a big opportunity to address often-overlooked young people, who are critical for the church's future.

Valuing truth over faction

In the Judge Kavanaugh hearing process, Democrats and Republicans share blame for putting party before truth, writes Richard Doerflinger. Politics seeking common truth, not power, leads to true freedom.

Puerto Rico’s recovery is not a remote concern

A year after Hurricane Maria caused almost 3,000 deaths and billions of dollars in damage, the U.S. territory still faces a long road to full restoration.

One thing leads to another

In our here-and-now age, we often fail to connect our present actions with future consequences, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. Wisdom calls us to look ahead, knowing that we will reap tomorrow what we sow today.

The hard grace of being a Catholic journalist

In crises such as the ongoing clerical abuse scandals, the members of the Catholic press get to do their job, writes Greg Erlandson. Amidst outrage and confusion, they serve the church by not ducking the bad news, while not forgetting the good news.

Overcoming deficits in the attention economy

For all that new media has given the church channels for sharing the Gospel, advertisers powerfully tell stories to convey a feeling. Brett Robinson suggests an even more powerful approach: silence.

Leave the church that abused her? Survivor trusts God to do the healing

Patricia DeStefano is a clergy sexual abuse survivor who, in the midst of painful therapy, discovered God's grace was working without her realizing it. Now she shares her experience of God's love, for all his children.

The truth that set him free

As Greg Erlandson writes, Father Brendan McGuire came to terms with his own abuse by a priest. He knows God will not abandon the Catholic family as we advocate for reform and accountability in a moment of great pain.

Listen to the sound of church reform bubbling up in parishes

The sense of anger among Catholics is underwhelming for editor Matthew Gambino, yet he senses the beginning of a reform movement in archdiocesan parishes, thanks to the Holy Spirit.