
Christmas in the U.S.A.

By Mar Muñoz-Visoso On an early November day my kids did not have class. It was parent-teacher conference day. After a rainy day at home with dad, all homework was done and all indoor games had been played. An early evening dancing session with the kids was pretty much over too, and it was time […]

Navidad en los Estados Unidos

Por Mar Muñoz-Visoso Un día a principios de noviembre mis hijos no tuvieron clase. Era el día de las conferencias de padres y profesores. Tras un día lluvioso en casa con su papá, ya habían hecho todas la tareas y jugado todos los juegos. También la sesión vespertina de baile había terminado y era tiempo […]

Web site offers resources for celebrating Advent, Christmas seasons

By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) – Suggestions for daily prayer, reading, reflection and action throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons and other resources are part of a new web site created by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The site, www.usccb.org/advent, features interactive online calendars with a menu of resources for each day of […]

Pope: Keep track of your blessings during Advent

By Cindy WoodenCatholic News Service VATICAN CITY – Advent should be a time when Christians keep track of the little blessings they receive each day, blessings that are signs of God’s love, Pope Benedict XVI suggested. “To keep a kind of ‘inner diary’ of this love would be a beautiful and healthy task,” the Pope […]

Web resources for the Liturgy of the Hours:

Full text of Day and Night prayer as PDFs: www.ebreviary.com/ebreviary/ebreviary.nsf/homepage3!OpenPage Night Prayer: From the Liturgy of the Hours is available from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for $4.95. The volume, drawn from the Liturgy of the Hours, offers the last prayer of the day, from Monday to Sunday, together with hymns and psalmody, Scripture […]

During the day: God’s presence in prayer

Liturgy of the Hours series: Part IIBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T If the Liturgy of the Hours is the Prayer of the Church, why for most of Church history was it not widely prayed by the laity? The very simple reason is that for most of Christian history the vast majority of the laity […]

Prayer through the day

Liturgy of the Hours series: Part IBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T “Come, let us worship the Lord, the king who is to come.” So begins the ancient prayer of the Church as it begins the liturgical year. This invitatory antiphon will start the day at many thousands of monasteries, convents and churches throughout the […]

Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia celebra el 10º aniversario del programa de radio en español

La Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia está celebrando el 10 º aniversario de su programa de radio hispano titulado La Voz de Dios en las Voces de Nuestros Pueblos. Este programa en español, de 30 minutos, es una herramienta evangélica de la Iglesia que lleva un mensaje espiritual y pastoral a la comunidad hispana; salió al aire […]

Prayer through the day

Liturgy of the Hours series: Part I By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T “Come, let us worship the Lord, the king who is to come.” So begins the ancient prayer of the Church as it begins the liturgical year. This invitatory antiphon will start the day at many thousands of monasteries, convents and churches throughout […]

The role of the pastor: Q & A with Msgr. Bolger

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Msgr. Richard T. Bolger, 72, is pastor of St. David Parish in Willow Grove, Montgomery County. Ordained a priest for the Philadelphia Archdiocese in 1966, he has served at St. David Parish for the past 17 years, since June 1992. Q. What aspect about being a pastor do you […]