
Day of the Dead at St. Norbert School

The Spanish teacher from St. Norbert School, Paoli, Miss Lauren Wisniewski, had a special project remembering those who have gone to God. This project was made for All Soul’s Day. We at Saint Norbert School made this altar to celebrate the Day of the Dead. We used photos of Saints such as St. Norbert, St. […]

El Día de los Muertos

Nosotros de Saint Norbert School hicimos esta ofrenda para celebrar el Día de los Muertos. Pusimos las fotos de los Santos, como San Norberto, San Huberto y Santa Katharine Drexel. Los estudiantes de cada nivel hicieron una cosa importante para poner en la ofrenda. Hicimos cempasúchil, papel picado, cruces y calacas y los estudiantes mayores […]

Bishops partner with Census Bureau

By Catholic News Service Churches have a crucial role to play in ensuring that everyone is counted on Census Day 2010, April 1. That’s the message Alejandro Aguilera-Titus and Beverly Carroll of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat on Cultural spanersity in the Church are delivering as key point people in the USCCB’s partnership […]

Make sure you are counted

By Anna Vega Every 10 years, the United States counts all persons residing in the nation, this is the census. The next census is in 2010. This count is very important not only for each state and city, but for the entire Hispanic population of this nation. Nationally, for the first time, the census will […]

Catholic Social Services provides similar, but different, outreach

Parish Social Ministry is but one aspect of Catholic outreach in the Archdiocese. Another major component is archdiocesan Catholic Social Services, but the two are so radically different they do not present easy comparison. Catholic Social Services’ 2008 Annual Report shows 165,532 clients served and a budget of more than $111 million. The parish report […]

How parishes help

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T It is really people helping people. In 2006, according to a report compiled by the Archdiocese, local parishes assisted 326,721 people. In 2007 that figure climbed to 384,615, and in 2008 a whopping 484,992 inspaniduals were assisted. Were Catholics responding to greater needs during a deepening recession, or was […]

Parish Services: A 3-year look

Click here to see a 3-year table of parish outreach services.

El futuro de los Estados Unidos en juego: Latinos y educación

Por Mar Muñoz-Visoso Mi abuelo sacó a mi madre de la escuela cuando ella tenía catorce años. La razón: no pasó una prueba de geografía. De nada sirvió que la maestra fuese a casa del abuelo a explicarle que muchos estudiantes habían fallado ese examen, ni que ésta le rogara que no cometiera el peor […]

Latinos and education, U.S. future at stake

By Mar Muñoz-Visoso My grandfather pulled my mother out of school when she was 14. The reason: she flunked a geography test. The fact that the teacher went to my grandfather to explain many kids in her class had failed that test and to beg grandpa not to make the biggest mistake of his life […]

At St. Paul, a weekly Mass sung in Latin

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam. As of Oct. 25 worshippers at the noon Mass at St. Paul Church in South Philadelphia can say they go to the altar of God, Who gives joy to their youth (or in some cases their parents’ youth). The […]