Bishops: Health care a basic human right, not a privilege
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer As chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, Cardinal Justin Rigali has stated repeatedly in public that it is a moral imperative and urgent national priority that comprehensive health care reform protects the life and dignity of all, especially the poor and the vulnerable. […]
Above the din: A Catholic voice in health care reform Local doctor opposes government option for health care After living in Canada, pediatrician favors public health care Look to Keystone Mercy as a model for health care reform, say insurer’s executives Public health option appeals to some small business owners Bishops: Health care a basic […]
Ready to learn
More than 80,000 students enroll at archdiocesan Catholic schools By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – The Philadelphia Archdiocese kicked off the 2009-10 school year last week, marking the back-to-school season as one of gratitude toward parents and guardians who, despite the current economic crisis, continue to make significant personal sacrifices to invest in […]
El sufrimiento humano: Transformando lo «inútil»
Por Padre Tad Pacholczyk Los seres humanos, por propia naturaleza, evadimos el dolor y el sufrimiento. Por instinto reaccionamos, por ejemplo, evitando el objeto punzante que puede herirnos. Cuando identificamos que quien nos está llamando por teléfono es un vecino indeseable, no contestamos. Nuestra reacción inmediata, al igual que la de la mayoría de los […]
Obispos se pronuncian positivamente sobre comentarios del presidente Obama
WASHINGTON-Portavo-ces de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) calificaron de «importante contribución al crucial debate nacional» y se pronunciaron positivamente sobre el discurso de reforma del sistema de atención médica del presidente Obama el 9 de septiembre ante el Congreso, especialmente sus comentarios referentes al aborto y a las personas que carecen […]
The authentic transformation of ‘useless’ human suffering
By Father Tad Pacholczyk Human beings naturally recoil at the prospect of pain and suffering. When a sharp object pokes us, we instinctively pull away. When the unpleasant neighbor comes up on caller ID, we recoil from answering the phone. Our initial response is to avoid noxious stimuli and pain, similar to most animals. Yet […]
Upcoming Holy Hours for Priests
First Friday of the Month3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 2: St. Matthias Church, Bala Cynwyd, Montgomery County Nov. 6: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, South Philadelphia Dec. 4: St. Charles Borromeo Church, Bensalem, Bucks County Feb. 5: Our Lady of Fatima Church, Secane, Delaware County March 5: Our Lady of the Assumption Church, […]
Novena of Holy Hours begins
By CHRISTIE L. CHICOINECS&T STAFF WRITERWYNNEWOOD – Cardinal Justin Rigali presided at the first archdiocesan novena of Holy Hours for priests at 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4, at the Chapel of St. Martin of Tours at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood. In conjunction with the universal Church’s celebration of the Year of the Priest, […]
Our spiritual journeySister Ruth Bolarte “Mind my own business” is one the many idiomatic expressions that I learned quickly in English. This saying means that one should stop prying in what does not concern her/him. Probably, it will be hard to find a literal translation into Spanish. Since some of us from Latin cultures may […]
La medida mínima de la caridad
Nuestro caminar espiritualHna. Ruth Bolarte «Ocúpate de lo tuyo» es una de las muchas expresiones idiomáticas que aprendí rápidamente en inglés. Esta frase significa que uno no debe de inmiscuirse en lo que no le concierne. Probablemente, la frase del inglés traducida al español no transmite el mismo contexto ya que muchos de nosotros provenientes […]