
As Year of St. Paul comes to a close, children show what they’ve learned

By JIM GAUGERSpecial to The CS&T The Year of St. Paul the Apostle – the celebration of his life and teachings – comes to an end on June 29, his feast day. The special jubilee announced by Pope Benedict XVI has been celebrated with liturgies, symposiums and publications. In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia one of […]

Icon of inspiration

More than 1,000 attend enthronement of image at cathedralBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – It was an especially spanerse congregation of a thousand or so for the Saturday evening vigil Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul on June 13 as Cardinal Justin Rigali celebrated the Mass for the feast […]

«Aquí estoy Señor, vengo para hacer tu voluntad»

De nuestro vicarioMons. Hugh J. Shields Sólo un poco menos de dos semanas atrás, un número de hombres de diferentes orígenes, niveles educacionales, lenguages y culturas -la mayoría acompañados por sus esposas-, se reunieron en el Seminario San Carlos Borromeo a decir con su presencia, claramente y con entusiasmo: «Aquí estoy, Señor, vengo para hacer […]

A remembrance of Father Mike

By Msgr. Hugh ShieldsSpecial to the CS&T We are used to hearing kind words about someone when they die. And because we are so accustomed to these phrases, we can very easily lose the thoughts and feelings that these words attempt to convey. Let me share a few phrases that I have heard since the […]

Recordando al Padre Miguel

Por Mons. Hugh ShieldsRedacción del CS&T Estamos acostumbrados a escuchar palabras amables acerca de alguien cuando muere. Y porque estamos tan acostumbrados a estas frases, se pueden perder muy fácilmente los pensamientos y sentimientos que estas palabras intentan comunicar. Permítanme compartir algunas frases que he escuchado desde la reciente y repentina muerte del padre vicentino […]

‘Here I am Lord, I come to do Your will’

From our vicarMsgr. Hugh J. Shields Just a little under two weeks ago, a number of men from different backgrounds, educational levels, languages and cultures, most accompanied by their wives, gathered at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary to clearly and enthusiastically say by their presence, “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.” These […]

Blessings at St. Maria Goretti

Cardinal Rigali blesses relocatedtabernacle and new outdoor Stations of the CrossBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T HATFIELD – May 30 was a banner day for St. Maria Goretti Parish, Hatfield. Cardinal Justin Rigali, during a pastoral visit, celebrated the weekend vigil Mass and also blessed the church’s refurbished and relocated tabernacle and newly installed outdoor […]

True vocation, unique identity

Our spiritual journeySister Ruth Bolarte For the past year, we have been celebrating the year of St. Paul throughout our Archdiocese. Pope Benedict XVI has announced a Year of the Priest beginning June 19. Our Archdiocese is already organizing some resources to celebrate the vocation to the priesthood. Through those celebrations, we are invited to […]

Vocación verdadera, identidad unica

Nuestro caminar espiritualHna. Ruth Bolarte Durante este año hemos estado celebrando el año de San Pablo a través de toda la Arquidiócesis. El Papa Benedicto XVI ha anunciado la celebración del Año del Sacerdote empezando el 19 de junio. Nuestra Arquidiócesis ya está organizando algunos recursos para celebrar la vocación al sacerdocio. Por medio de […]

The special challenges of immigrant mothers

By Edilma FrancoSpecial to The CS&T A Bolivian mother that I know immigrated to the United States nine years ago because her family’s situation in her country was not the best. She and her husband made the difficult decision to come when their son was only 5 years old. Her husband arrived a year before […]