

Buscando consejera de adolescenteEl Centro Providencia busca consejera comenzando en septiembre, preferiblemente bilingüe (español-inglés). La posición es para estudiantes hembras, de escuela secundaria en los grados 9-12. Horas: de 3 a 5:30 pm. de lunes a viernes, y una reunión semanal de una hora. Para responsabilidades, requisitos y más información, llame a Gloria Rodríguez-Soto, directora […]

Public witness, in large and small ways

From Our VicarMsgr. Hugh J. Shields Last week I visited a friend in Graterford Prison on his 65th birthday. He has been in prison for 45 years. He lives a constricted and drastically limited life with very few options. Today, he called on the phone saying that maybe his story would help some young people […]

Sick experience healing at anointing Mass

By Arlene EdmondsSpecial to The CS&T UPPER GWYNEDD – Terry Hunt believes that she is on a journey to recovery. After attending a Mass that included the anointing of the sick April 29 at Corpus Christi Church in Upper Gwynedd, her once swollen, immobile fingers are moving and her spirits are lifted. She is pleased […]


Taller sobre el cáncer del senoSábado, 23 de mayo de 10 a.m. -mediodía en la biblioteca de Bensalem, 3700 Hulmeville Road. Mamogramas gratis ofrecidos a mujeres mayores de 40 años (40 incluido) sin seguro medico. Los mamogramas se haran en el hospital Santa María en el mes de junio. Para mas información llamar al 215-739-7269. […]

The Trinity: A dance of love

Our spiritual journeySister Ruth Bolarte The central mystery of our faith and life is the Holy Trinity. Who is the triune God in our lives? As a child, I was taught that the Trinity was a mystery to believe even if we did not understand it. Today, I let myself be captivated by the dynamism […]

La Trinidad: Una danza de amor

Nuestro caminar espiritualHna. Ruth Bolarte El misterio central de nuestra fe y vida es la Santa Trinidad. ¿Quién es el Dios trino en nuestras vidas? Cuando niña me enseñaron que la Trinidad era un misterio que había que creer aunque no lo entendamos. Hoy en día, me dejo captivar por el dinamismo de este misterio […]

At St. Luke the Evangelist, Glenside:
Technology to envision the future

By JIM GAUGERSpecial to The CS&T GLENSIDE – Lisa Ortolani, the technology teacher at St. Luke the Evangelist School, says she is always searching the Internet for projects that might interest students. “I knew the teachers were talking about doing a classroom project for the year,” said Ortolani, who holds a master’s degree in instructional […]

First Letter of St. Paul to Latinos
in the United States

Between friendsMar Muñoz-Visoso After a few days of intense work at a meeting in San Antonio, Texas, we were showered with a nice dinner at an excellent restaurant along the River Walk. As in every good Hispanic reunion, the talk was lively and several conversations were happening at the same time. On our side of […]

Primera Carta de San Pablo a los Latinos en Estados Unidos

Entre amigosMar Muñoz-Visoso Después de varios días de intenso trabajo en una reunión en San Antonio, Texas, nos obsequiaron con una cena en un excelente restaurante del Paseo del Río. Como en toda buena reunión de hispanos, la charla estaba interesante y había varias conversaciones sucediendo al mismo tiempo. En nuestro lado de la mesa […]

Father Judge students harness the power of wind

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – The school colors at Father Judge High School for Boys are blue and red, but two science classes are going green. Environmental and physical science students at Father Judge High are building a wind turbine that will generate energy to light a memorial dedicated to alumni who […]