
O’Sullivan Sons follows in footsteps of father, uncle

By Nadia Maria SmithCS&T Staff Writer BENSALEM – O’ Sullivan Sons, a construction company based in Bensalem, is weathering the economic storm well thanks to spanersification and business practices based on sound Catholic principles, according to owner Bill O’Sullivan. O’Sullivan and his brother John began their business 13 years ago doing all phases of construction, […]

La pasión por la justicia impulsa a un abogado local

Por Lou BaldwinRedacción del CS&T Los nombres pueden engañar. Robert S. Nix no tiene ninguna ascendencia del norte de Europa de la cual él tenga conocimiento. Su familia es firmemente de herencia mexicana y él es un méxico-americano, nacido en Austin, Texas, con raíces en la ciudad fronteriza de Laredo. Su familia vino al este […]


Cambios en el examen de naturalizaciónEn octubre del 2008, el Centro para Ciuddanía e Inmigración de los EE.UU. (USCIS por sus siglas en inglés), publicó un examen de naturalización nuevo. Si usted conoce a alguien que planea hacerse ciudadano, por favor comparta la información abajo. Solicitar la ciudadanía incluye los pasos siguientes: 1) Presentar la […]

The Good News: 12 novices join religious order,
3 from Archdiocese

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T In an era when women’s vocations to religious life are in steep decline in most countries, if one very young congregation invests 12 young women with its habit, that’s news. It happened Dec. 6, as a prelude to the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, at the Basilica of the […]

A vision for the future … as seen by St. Lucy Day School

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Vision and eyesight are not the same thing. Students from St. Lucy Day School for Children with Visual Impairments proved that during the Philadelphia Regional Future Cities Competition held Jan. 24 at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall in South Philadelphia. In the competition, seventh and eighth grade students […]

Called to be disciples and missionaries

Our spiritual journeySister Ruth Bolarte All the baptized have received from Christ, as the Apostles did, the command of mission: “Go into the entire world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). The Good News is Christ in whom we find true life as children of God. When we grasp how much God […]

DVD teaches art and the Catholic faith

By Nadia Maria SmithCS&T Staff Writer Dawn Harris, a former homeschooling mother, took her love of art and teaching and the Catholic faith to develop a children’s DVD series called Granny Bee’s Art Angels, the latest in her homegrown business venture. When she was homeschooling her two children she searched for entertaining programs that incorporated […]

Llamados a ser discípulos misioneros

Nuestro caminar spiritualHna. Ruth Bolarte Todos los bautizados han recibido de Cristo, como los Apóstoles, el mandato de misión: «Vayan por todo el mundo y anuncien la Buena Nueva a toda la creación» (Mc 16, 15). La Buena Nueva es Cristo en quien encontramos la verdadera vida como hijos de Dios. Cuando comprendemos el gran […]

Local teacher creates web-based gradebook

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer DREXEL HILL – The days of hiding a homework assignment or a not-so-good report card from parents are over. GradeConnect, a web-based gradebook and course management system that allows parents to access their children’s homework and grades after teachers post them, is now available through the 20 archdiocesan secondary […]

St. Paul teaches balance of humility, confidence

By Deacon Lou MalfaraSpecial to The CS&T As a manager of a large computer center, I was surrounded by very bright people. One such person was arrogant in dealing with clients and staff. I confronted him about his behavior, especially his demeaning attitude toward others. This behavior was not conducive to team work or to […]