Lent 2014

A must-see film for the Lenten season

Columnist Effie Caldarola recommends the film "Tokimane," which was filmed in Congo. The title is an expression used often by the people there, meaning, "We must hold each other." It's a thought that should inspire us all during Lent.

Pope Francis: Humility and prayer needed to hear the word of God

"The simple flock that followed Jesus because what Jesus said was heartwarming," the pope said in his daily morning Mass March 21, "did not use the word of God in their own interest; but listened and tried to be a little bit better."

God gives the water we need for eternal life

The Gospel account of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well draws a parallel to the ancient Israelites’ need for water in the desert, Msgr. Joseph Prior writes in his reflection on the readings for Sunday’s Mass. In both cases, water leads to life and a covenant with God.

Praying Lent: Friday of the Second Week of Lent

A daily meditation courtesy of Creighton Online Ministries.

Praying Lent: Thursday of the Second Week of Lent

A daily meditation courtesy of Creighton Online Ministries.

Praying Lent: Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent

A daily meditation courtesy of Creighton Online Ministries.

Praying Lent: Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent

A daily meditation courtesy of Creighton Online Ministries.

Think fasting is tough twice a year? Try it every day

Columnist Michelle Francl-Donnay struggled with hunger on Ash Wednesday while thinking about how many people, including children in the U.S., go hungry all the time. The early Christian monks of the desert speak to us today of fasting for body and soul.

Praying Lent: Monday of the Second Week of Lent

A daily meditation courtesy of Creighton Online Ministries.

Fight the urge to judge others, recognize your sinfulness, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Judging someone is always easier than to being merciful and understanding, Pope Francis said.