Calendar of Events

Talk explores link of Mary and sacred liturgy

Father Dennis Gill will explore how Mary is inseparable from the saving mysteries of the liturgy, and how she is a model and aid for our own participation, in a talk Feb. 8 at Nativity Parish in Warminster.

Gender ideology’s cultural impact is topic of talk

The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Lecture Series continues Monday, Feb. 13 with Mary Rice Hasson speaking on the link of biological sex to male and female identity, and assaults on marriage.

Northeast Stand Up for Life Rally

St. Katherine Church in Northeast Philadelphia will be hosting a rally in support of protecting the sanctity of all human life on Jan. 22, the 44th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision.

Sign-Making for MLK DARE Coalition March

Millennial Catholic POWER will be hosting a sign-making party at Old St. Joseph's Church on the Sunday before the January 15 march.

Maternity Parish’s Christmas Eve Mass for children includes Living Nativity

The parish in Northeast Philadelphia will celebrate a 4 p.m. Mass Dec. 24 using the Children's Liturgy, preceded by a pageant led by the school's sixth graders.

Eighth graders to lead Living Nativity Dec. 23 at St. Andrew School

For the 15th year at the Newtown, Bucks County school, an infant will portray the Son of God in the Nativity play. One of the school’s original “babies” is currently an eighth grade student at St. Andrew.

Christmas Masses at the Cathedral

As Catholics across the Archdiocese of Philadelphia prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul announces its Mass schedule, including Midnight Mass with Archbishop Chaput.

Young students ready to board ‘Polar Express’ Dec. 21

Students in grades pre-K through 3 at Holy Cross School in Springfield will enjoy a day of activities revolving around the beloved Christmas tale.

St. Laurence School, Upper Darby, presents Christmas pageant

The parish school in Upper Darby will reenact the birth of Jesus through traditional hymns in St. Laurence Church on Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m.

St. William Parish to hold Living Nativity Dec. 17

The multilingual prayer service featuring readings from Scripture and singing of Christmas carols plus refreshments of hot chocolate, coffee, tea and cookies will take place outside after the vigil Mass.