Calendar of Events

Artwork leads retreat through virtual desert monastery

Through Catholic artist Brother Mickey McGrath's work and that of Georgia O'Keefe, retreatants will make an Aug. 4 pilgrimage to New Mexico and rediscover the beauty that inspired the desert fathers and mothers of the ancient church.

Virtual Catholic speed dating connects singles of all ages, near and far

Four upcoming sessions are set to introduce Catholic singles of every generation July 30 and 31 and Aug. 2 and 4. A number of previous participants have since married.

Magnifest summer music series blends praise, prayer

The weekly concerts will take place July 31, Aug. 7 and Aug. 14 at St. Mary of Providence Retreat Center in Elverson, with prayer, food and vendors rounding out the evenings.

Blessed Solanus Casey feast at Padre Pio shrine

The National Centre for Padre Pio will celebrate the July 30 feast day of Blessed Solanus Casey, the humble Capuchin dubbed the "Detroit miracle worker."

Malvern hosts Flame of Love conference, retreat

Father James Blount will direct a July 30-Aug. 1 retreat, which will include Mass, adoration, confession and a healing service. Tickets for virtual seats are still available.

Baby shower celebrates ‘little bundles of joy,’ and their moms

Catholic Social Services will throw a party for expecting mothers at its Chester City location July 29, with raffles, vendors, lunch and games.

Catholic Charities returns to the field with ‘Night at the Phillies’

Tickets are on sale now for the eighth annual outing on Sept. 10, with the Phils going to bat against the Colorado Rockies – and you can help a Philly priest throw out the first pitch.

Purpose Conference for teens set for Saturday, July 31

St. John the Evangelist Parish, Morrisville, will host the day-long conference whose theme is all about life post-COVID and finding one's purpose in the Lord. Teenagers from rising ninth grade to exiting 12th are invited.

Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia sponsors ‘Freedom for the Pre-Born’

The July 17 event will begin with Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, followed by a procession to a downtown abortion clinic, prayer vigil and rally.

Learn of joy in life’s difficult moments in online retreat

When have movements of transcendent grace interrupted our downward spiral? Participants in an online retreat will glean from Catherine McAuley’s stories and their own experience the contours of joy erupting in the juggernauts of life.