Calendar of Events
Chester County March for Life set for June 5
The Saturday morning event, starting with Mass and including the march and featured speakers, will mourning 25 years of abortion at Planned Parenthood in West Chester.
Retreat delves into ‘St. Joseph: Carpenter, Dreamer, Foster Father, Saint’
Christine Eberle will facilitate an online retreat on St. Joseph on May 15. Participants will use creative stories, artistic renderings and Scripture scholarship to reflect on the saint.
Retreat for single women explores religious discernment
Open to single women discerning religious life, the virtual retreat on May 15 offers an opportunity to learn about life as a Missionary Servant of the Most Blessed Trinity.
Holy hour to pray for peace, end to pandemic
The World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring the holy hour on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Friday, May 14 at St. John Cantius Church, Philadelphia.
Memorial service to recall those who have died in pandemic
Cranaleith Spiritual Center will host an online memorial, “Behold Our Grief, O God!” on May 19. The prayer service will include a reading of the names of the dead and their faces.
Pentecost retreat calls for opening God’s gifts to us
By exploring the gifts and symbols of the Holy Spirit, retreatants will compose their own prayer and choose from rituals and reminders of one's giftedness to incorporate at home.
Mass for those suffering from addiction set for May 11
Father Alessandro Giardini, parochial vicar at St. Eleanor Parish in Collegeville, will celebrate the Mass, hear confessions and lead a rosary so that all may draw strength from one another through faith.
Week-long event reflects on St. Katharine Drexel’s mission
The mission-affirming stories in an online series starting April 25 will help reflect on how St. Katharine’s mission as it pertained to social justice is alive in 2021.
Mass for Persons with Disabilities set for April 25 at cathedral
Archbishop Nelson Pérez will be the celebrant and homilist for the annual Mass for the intention of persons with disabilities, the deaf community, their families, friends and caregivers.
Life of Father Judge topic of Catholic history talk
William Portier will present the life of Father Thomas Judge (1868-1933) on April 20 via Zoom. Many are unaware of the pioneering priest for which an archdiocesan high school is named.