Calendar of Events

Liturgical Music Series at Cathedral Set to Kick Off in New Year

Led by Father Jordan Kelly, O.P. and sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship, the program that kicks off Jan. 11, 2025 is designed to provide over six weeks a focused presentation on the many aspects of liturgical music in a parish program.

Cathedral Set to Host Advent Retreat Dec. 14

The archdiocesan Office for Consecrated Life welcomes Father Dennis Gill for a retreat on Saturday, Dec. 14 on the theme, "Now We Dare to Hope: The Promise and Gift of Every Advent.” Mass, confessions, quiet time, two talks, and lunch are featured.

Holy Hour to Pray for Country and Election at Cathedral Set for Nov. 3

Let us turn with confidence to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist with our prayers on Sunday, Nov. 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.

Presentation to Highlight Eucharistic Miracles Documented by Blessed Carlo Acutis

Join the St. Ignatius Parish community for a presentation about Eucharistic Miracles as documented by Blessed Carlo Acutis on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 9:30 a.m. in the church auditorium.

Sports and Spirituality Topic of Talk at Networking Breakfast

The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Business Network is proud to welcome Fr. Tom Dailey, OSFS, to the Networking Breakfast on Oct. 18 at 8:00 a.m.

St. Martin de Porres Mass Set for Nov. 3

The Office for Black Catholics will hold a Mass of celebration for St. Martin de Porres on his feast day, Nov. 3, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.

Catholic Historical Research Center to Hold Behind-the-Scenes Tour of Latest Exhibit Oct. 24

Get a behind the scenes look at "Finest Wheat: The Story of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress" on Oct. 24 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

IHM Sisters to Hold Young Adult Holy Hour Oct. 17

Young adults are invited to join the IHM Sisters in praying for the needs of our Church and world as well as each other during a Eucharistic Holy Hour at Villa Maria House of Studies at 7:00 p.m.

Local Day of Prayer for Health and Wellness of Clergy, Religious Set for Oct. 18

Saint John Vianney Center will host its second “Day of Prayer for the Health and Wellness of Clergy and Men and Women Religious” Friday, Oct. 18. Livestreaming of events begins at 9:00 a.m.

American Catholic Historical Society to Hold Virtual Lecture on Catholic-Protestant Relations Oct. 15

Join the American Catholic Historical Society for a virtual lecture on Catholic-Protestant relations given by Dr. Leah Mickens on Oct. 15 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.